Chapter 8: Tale as old as time

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mondo asked as he watched his hair being put back up in a way it haddent seen for years.

"Trust me dude! This is perfect!" Leon insisted as he watched the brush work her magic.

"Done!" Said the blue colored brush moving aside so Mondo could look at himself.

"Wow..." he mutterd under his breath. He was in a black and purple sute, and had his hair up in a style so it looked like an ice cream cone if anyone were to be honest.

For once in his life he had actully bathed and brushed his teeth, so even that was a plus.

"Thanks Tsumugi, now, time ta get Taka-" "no no no. NO!" Leon insisted "Com' on man! The others got him covered, ya aint gotta worry." He insisted as Mondo sighed "Fine fine. I'll meet him in the ballroom."

"By the way..."
"Yeah man?"
"Do bros normally have balls together where they dance, or feel there hearts beat really fast when around eachother, do they??"
"Naw man, they dont do that."
"Oh, great to know."

"I couldn't!" Taka argued Taichi "But it would be lovely! You would look amazing in the sute Gonta chose and-" "but I can't dance, I haven't the feet!" "Mondo hasn't danced in years, I'm sure you both are evenly matched!"

Taka sighed, knowing he couldnt argue agasnt this much longer "alright..." "Great! Gonta, help him get ready!" "Gonta shall do his best!"

"When's he gonna get here, Byaku-" "he already is." Mondo looked up to see that the clock was correct, and there Taka was at the top of the stair case.

"Wow..." both boys mutterd as they looked at eachother. Taka had never seen Mondo so dressed up....or clean for that matter.

And Taka, Taka was as handsome as ever. He was in a gold sute ment for royalty, his hair was nicely put together like normal, and his eyebrows were the bushy mess Mondo loved so much.

The servants stood in the corner,  watching the scene play out as both boys faces were dusted with a soft pink.
If they didn't know they were in love, they were at least much closer to figuring it out now.

Taka walked down the stairway, and after Mondo realized he was staring, he quickly bowed, extending his paw "W-would ya like to dance...bro?"
The other chuckled some, taking Mondos paw in his hand "I would love to!"

Kyoko, the notepad of the castel, jumped over to Ibuki and asked for her to play a specific song she knew both boys would love.

As Ibuki started the music, Taichi recognised the song, and began to sing along, creating a beautiful sound for the two boys to dance to.

As the boys glided across the room Taka couldnt help but chuckle "Your really good at this, Mondo!"
He glanced to the side as he retorted "Yeah right. I can't dance for crap eyebrows!" He said, using the nickname he haddent used in quite a while

"Why do i feel like I've heard that before?" He asked softly, getting a soft grunt in reply from Mondo "Dunno."

As the music softened as the dance slowed down, both boys found themselfs leaning closer to eachother, laying there forhead agasnt the other

That was enough, that was all either of them needed.

"Hey bro, I wanna show ya somthin!" Mondo said as he lead Taka upto his room
"I thought I wasnt allowed here?" "Eh, I'll make an exception!"

Once they made it upto the room Mondo picked up a mirror that was next to the wilting rose.

He lead Taka to the balcony and sat down, the black haired boy fallowing sute.

"When this place was cursed, that jerk left me with a mirror that would show me anything I wanted, just to rub it in my face that I wasn't able to be out of this place. But, I thought, maybe you might find some enjoyment in it...try it out!" Mondo insisted, handing the mirror to Taka.

"I wish to see my family!" Taka said with a bright smile, his face soon turning much darker when he saw what apperd in the mirror.

It was a horrid sight, his father and sisters being forced into a carage, the one used for those who were nuts. They were screaming for help while all they got were horrable comments about what there family had done. And who was leading it? None other than Mukuro Ikusaba, the woman he had learned to fear from a young age.

Taka looked like he was about to cry as he watched it play out "They found out...they found us out." He mutterd repeatedly in terror.

"Thats not good..."

"Mondo I don't know what to do...."

Mondo staired blankly for a moment before finally saying "Go."

"What?" "Go save your family." "But what about you guys?" Taka asked conserned
"We will be ok...just promious me you will return when everyone is safe, ok?" "Ok, I promise!" Taka reasured as he stood up, going to give Mondo the mirror back "No keep it, it will be more use for you than it will be for me!" He insisted, shoving the mirror back twords Taka.

Taka gave a small smile, the last one Mondo would see for quite a while,  and leaned down, kissing his cheek "Thank you, Mondo."

And with that he went running from the castel, having nothing but Phillipe and a mirror to get him back home.

Hiro saw Taka go running with many other servents as well and hopped upstairs, heading twords Mondo "Dude! What the heck happened?"

"His family was in trubble. He needed to save them."

"WHAT? YOU LOST OUR ONLY CHANCE TO GET OUT OF HERE! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Byakuya shouted at him, ready to kill the man if he could

"Becuase I care for him! And I don't want him to lose his family like I lost mine!" Mondo shouted. It was the most angry anyone had seen him sence he and Taka became 'Bros'

Everyone left his room, leaving Mondo to his thoughts, and leaving a quickly wilting flower with him.


Well, that escalated quickly-

I can't write romantic sences for the life of me so please forgive me for those discriptions lol

I tried ok lol

Anyway, uh, this happened while I wrote the chapter

Anyway, uh, this happened while I wrote the chapter

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Fun number count lol

Anyways, thats all!

God bless you and have a great day!

(Also, I'm sorry I'm spamming with updates I just kinda wanted to-)

Word count: 1,107

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