Chapter 13: Happily ever after

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Not but a few months later and the Ishimarus returned to the throne, after proof that Takaaki, Celestia, Sayaka and Taka had no clue of what Toranosuke Ishimaru was planning, and were trully just wanting to help the kingdom restore order. with the help of the law, they were allowed back onto there rightful thrones.

As for the kingdom of diamonds, after the curse was lifted, peoples memorys of all the Oowada bloodline, and for that matter, loved ones, had done. And everyone accepted them back into the real world with open arms.

But today wasn't about that, today was much more important than a return to the throne.

Today was a wedding

The wedding of prince Kiyotaka Ishimaru and king Mondo Oowada.

"Do you take this man to be you lawfully wedded husband?" "I do!" "And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I'do!"
Even durning there wedding, Mondos interesting way of speech came through.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now will happily introduce the new couple and kings of Diamonds, king Kiyotaka Oowada and king Mondo Oowada-"
Before the priest even finished his lines the crowed cheered.
Well, the Ishimarus and the servants of the Oowadas did.

The other kingdoms and villagers were a bit more....clam. But let's just say, the family, and thouse treated like family were hollering happily at the newly married couple.

Some just clapping like Byakuya, and others almost falling out of there seats like his boyfriend, Yasuhiro (Yes I went there, I've been wanting to for the hole book-)

Taka chuckled at the others while Mondo rolled his eyes and ignored them, finally kissing his new husband.
Then, everyone else finally cheered as well.

After the wedding of course there was a party, Taka and Mondo had there first dance and now the others could join in, every once in a while one of Takas sisters would take him away from Mondo for a dance, or one of Mondos friends would scarcasticly dance with him

At one point Leon and Sayaka teamed up and pushed Takaaki in to dance, forcing Mondo to join. First father and son in law dance, how sweet.

Let's just say Sayaka and Leon were having a bit to much fun getting in trubble together.

Even as some grew tired and sat down to eat, the kids of some of the servants ran crazy.
For some reason they declared themselfs the "warriors of hope"

Taka thought it was wholesome while Mondo was a little weirded out for some reason.

The party went on until late at night

It was the best day of our boys life's, and the celebration of two kingdoms coming together to the villagers of both kingdoms.

But the point is, the story you read was only the beginning of Taka and Mondos adventures together.
But I can promious you one thing,

They both lived happily ever after

The end


Well, we have finally reached the end of Another Ishimondo Beauty and the Beast Au!

I hope the ending didn't disappoint, and I hope you all will check out my new Disney x Danganronpa book, CinderToko, a Tokomaru Cinderella Au!

Now, to be honest. I started this book as a joke

I had seen so many Ishimondo aus with Beauty and the Beast going around I thought I would make a joke about this just being another one of those, but I never expected it to get so popular, heck, I didn't even expect to enjoy writing it as much as I have!

This has got to be my favorite thing I've written on here, and it's my first finished book on here!

I cannot express how much it means to me that you all have read this!
A lot of my favoute authors have read this book and that makes me so happy, thank you all so dang much!

I'll make a cover for this book soon, so watch out for that!

Please drop any Au/ship ideas and I'll try to write it (preferably disney aus)

That's all!

God bless you all and have an amazing day!

Thanks for reading!

Word count is 703 words all in all

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