Chapter 11: Kill the beast

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"TAKA?" Makoto, the clock, shouted in confusion "Wait, who are those girls,  and your dad is back?"

"My sisters and yes, now everyone needs to get ready! Mukuro Ikusaba, a very evil girl trying to get rid of us, has her entire army and part of her kingdom coming here to kill Mondo!" Taka shouted in respond as Takaaki already started bracading the door.

Well that was all they needed to hear before instantly trusting Taka and beginning to become battle ready.
After all, why would he lie, and why would he return if what he was saying wasn't the truth?

Two petals. Thats all that was left. Mondo wasn't dumb, he knew he would only have a few hours left, but what he didn't expect was a racket from down stairs.

The war had begun. For the most part, the castel was winning. Taka was fighting along side with Sayaka and Leon, still not having been told of Mondos horrid condition, and that he needed to go see him asap.

It only accrued to Taka himself when he saw  Mukuro running up the stairs in search of Mondo.
His eyes grew wide, knowing that it was more important to help Mondo at the moment "Cover me!" He said to the two next to him, before running up the stairs, doging people from both sides of the fight.

But let's just say, the fight was doing pretty good on its own even without him at the moment.

Both Gonta and Ibuki had people trapped under them, Gonta being able to even tie some people up with cloths.

Byakuya and Yasuhiro were bascicly generals for the hole thing, instructing what was to come next.

And lets just say the food Teruteru had made for Mondo was now hot enough to be used as amo instead...
and I mean hey, it still works.

Taichi and Chihiro were also burning people, but with hot tea rather than soup.

And this isn't even everyone in the battle! Everyone, including even the smallest of person, was fighting in there own way, and if most were honest, it was the most alive any of them had felt in quite a long time.

Meanwhile Mukuro had beat Taka upstairs, unaware that half of her army retreated, and the other half was being beaten up senceless by the residents of the castle.

When she found Mondo she couldn't help but to smerk

"My sister started this years ago, and it is finally my dutty to end you once and for all, a great honer."

"What the heck are ya talkin about, and who are you?" Mondo asked as he shakly stood up, not expecting to hear the name he had almost forgotten come from the woman he had seen in the mirror, espsessally in his bedroom.

"My name is Mukuro Ikusaba, sister of the sorcerer Junko who cursed your kingdom. Our gole was to rid the world of hope, making an apocalypse of despair. I already conquerd one kingdom that was already taken by despair, and now I get to take over this one as well. It will finally be over, and we can move to another spot after so many years." 

Knowing that the woman who caused Takas family so much pain was also the sister of the woman who cursed them, Mondo was ready to fight, and lets just say as soon as he saw the gun in her hands, he desided his final wish was to see her dead.

Both of them lunged at eachother, getting equally beaten up.
The fight was taken outside after a while of back and forth, to the point both of them were on a leadge of the castle. Mukuro was being lifted by her shirt over the edge by Mondo when both of them were caught off guard by Taka storming into the room and running twords them "MONDO! DON'T KILL HER!" he shouted, getting the mans attention, making him pull Mukuro back onto the ledge, knowing the owner of the voice would kill him for hurting somone.

"PLEASE, NEATHER OF YOU FIGHT! CAN WE PLEASE JUST TALK THIS OUT?" Taka shouted between tears. Mondo carefully started walking back to safer ground, turning to see Mukuro was doing the same, only freezing when his eyes caught the sight from the sight of a gun being pointed at Taka, and fireing before Mondo could stop it.

Takas natural responce was to freeze, not knowing what else to do in such a fast paced moment.

But, Mondo did.

Mondo pushed Taka out of the way, taking the bullet instead of Taka reseaving it.

Mukuro was getting cocky and celebrated to earily "The beast is dead! I've won! Despair has won! Junko will be pleased with this outcome, you hear me? She will-" the sound of cracking made her go quiet as she looked down, the ledge she was on was breaking, breaking so fast she couldn't react becuase by the time she tried to run, it had broken off completly. And there she went, falling along side the ledge down futher and further until being impaled on one of the spikes of the castle. But a small smile was still painted on her face in a disturbingly beautiful way, most likely just like Junko would have wanted to see.


I wanna say that this chapter ended on a cliff hanger, but I think you all will kill me faster than the Percy Jackson fandom killed Uncle Rick when he did that-

So instead I'll just end this like a "as the stumic turns" skit

*cough cough*

Will Mondo survive? Will Taka fall in love with him? Will Junko ever leave the two alone? This and many more worthless qustions will be answerd in the next chapter of "Another Ishimondo beauty and the beast au"

God bless you all and have a great day!

Word count is 987

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