Chapter 10: Evermore

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Mondo sat in his room, no longer dressed in a fancy sute, rather back into his normal pants and a plan white shirt. He had the same game plan to wait for Taka as any teenager has when dealing with depression. Sleep it away.

The servants were beyond worried for him. After all, it had been almost a full 24 hours sence Taka left and Mondo was pretending like he was actully doing a good job at keeping himself together...but he very clearly was not.

"Ya think we should bring the dude food? I mean he said he wasn't hungry but I dunno man..." Yasuhiro mutterd, soon getting his qustion answerd

"I was wayyy ahead of you on that one." Teruteru repiled as he contiued his cooking

"Oh! Thats for Mondo?" "Who else would it be for? Y'all don't even have the ablity to eat!" "Good point." And with that the conversation about food was over. Not because of any reason other than the fact that the front doors of the castle burst open with shouts and warnings of a coming mob from a very fimller boy and his family. 

Meanwhile Mondo was upstairs watching the rose decay faster and faster. Three petals left, and a castle full of servants who had no idea of the fact that it was almost over. Mondo who was growing weaker from lack of sleep, lack of food, and the rose wilting.
Not to mention the stress of waiting for Taka.

He belived him. He would come back.

He would

Yeah, the man wouldn't tell a lie

What if he forgot again?

What if that lady took away his memorys again?

Or what if his family keeps him away?

Would they belive there friendship was nothing more than stockholm syndrome?
I mean, it clearly wasnt if you thought about it, but that wouldn't stop people from trying to make it darker than it was. You see, Takanever showed Mondo respect until Mondo also showed it to him. They only really became close after actully trying to be friends.

But would that stop them from taking him away?

With all these thoughts in his head, Mondo had come to a conclusion

"He's not gonna come back."


Sence this chapter was so short, I thought I would post it as a bonus chapter for St Valentine's day!

Anyway, so I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
The actions really about to get started ;)

Anyways I was thinking sence it's St Valentine's day, I would share a rather romantic quote...tecnectly verse but you get the point!

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

God bless you and have a great day!

Word count is 487!

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