Chapter 6: Somthing sweet, and almost kind

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It had been weeks sence the contest, Mondo and Taka were closer than ever, and that most sertenly gave everyone at the castle hope that it would all work out.

They ate together every night, and Mondo learned just how much Taka loved to read.

"Hey bro, I've got somthing you might wanna see." Mondo said, wrapping an arn around Taka and leading him twords a room he hadn't yet seen as they walked though the castles halls.

Mondo covered Takas eyes with one hand (paw?) And opened a door with another.

Soon enough he lead Taka inside the room and said with a large smile "Ok, now, open yer eyes!" Mondo removed his hand from Taka's face and looked over to see the boys reaction.

Taka's jaw dropped as he looked around. He was in a large library filled with book after book after book. It was more books in one place than he had seen in years.

"This is amazing..." he mutterd, looking around the libary, his eyes lighting up as he thought of all he could learn there, and all he could even teach Mondo there.

"Yeah? Well it's yours." Mondo repiled, getting a very shocked Taka to whip his head around to look at him "Your kidding!" "Naw man, it's all yours. I dont even know how to read half this crap, so go nuts here!"

"Well, today is a good day to learn how to read it!" And with that Taka grabbed Mondos arm and they started looking around for somthing they could read together.

As they spoke and looked around, Mondo couldn't help but to notice how...handsome Taka was. It seemed that the beast was somehow, someway, finally learning to love.

And who knew it would be for a stick in the mud ex-Prince.

Meanwhile, the others at the palace  were ecstatic about what was happening "Well, it appers there is somthing there now that wasn't quite as obvious before." Byakuya mutterd, finally admitting that things may work out as he looked though a window to the library.

"T-t-that's a-a-a underst-tatement m-m-master B-Byakuya!" Toko, a pair of scissors, stutterd.  Speaking her mind before her girlfrien- I mean the annoying girl that hung around her all the time, intruppted and spoke her mind as well "Yeah! The two were totally made for eachother! Right Toko?" "Y-y-yeah, sure Omaru-" "Yeah!" The megaphone happily shouted.

"Its foolish to think that just becuase they are getting along that they are now in love." A little blue (litterly) social studies book retorted, not understanding the excitement

"Y-yeah." A little leather note pad agreed "H-how can we tell they wanna...kiss and stuff if it's only been like a month...."
"Please! Girls are so much better at seeing these things! They totaly are in love!" A pink vase started to cheer, though it seemed it was causing an argument rather than reassurance

"Children, clam down!" Tacichi instructed "Its no use arguing, and you all may be intrested in seeing what is going on."

All the servants present looked though a window of the library and lets just say the vase screamed "I KNEW IT!"

There Mondo and Taka were, sat down on the couch of the library both sound asleep as a book slowly fell from Takas hands onto the floor.

"Mission accomplished dudes." Leon said with a smerk before Chihiro brought the mood down some "But, we may know they are in love, but I'm pretty sure they still don't."
The air grew heavy, everyone realizing that Chihiro was onto somthingno one wanted to admit to being a possibility.

After a moment of quiet from everyone, Yasuhiro summed up what they were all thinking in one word



Well, its been a hotminute sence I updated this

Apologies for that, I'll hopefully speed up updates again soon!

I hope y'all can tell who the servants are-

God bless you and have a great day!

Word count: 673

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