Chapter 3

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"It's very awful, isn't it?"


"The girl! Kokona Haruka. Don't tell me you forgot about it? It just happened yesterday. Look, we even have the newspaper about it right here"

"ppft, yea no. She's not worth remembering. I mean, she deserved it. She's a whore you know? I didn't know she was that kind of person. She all goody two shoes infront of us but infront of them she's actually a b*tch"

"I suppose so, but anyway, have you heard of the new rumor?"

"what rumor?"

"Oh god, you haven't heard of it?"

"No? Tell me"

"IT'S AMAO! He's coming back to school today!"

"For real?! How come I didn't hear of this before?"

"Well you- gasp!-Gurl, turn around!! He's there at the gate!"


'So he finally arrived. I wonder what's going to happen now that Yan-chan second rival is Amai, his younger sister.' He tapped his finger lightly on the table.

Amao's face was shown in the screen, he was smiling at the people who greeted him and congratulating him on winning the first place at baking competition.

Then, he stopped smiling and was stumped when he looked at a certain direction before blushing visibly.

Info-kun groaned, frustrated when he realised who Amao was looking at. It was Ayano!

But he will let this one slide since Ayano was not looking at Amao and was walking away with Osano who was ushering her away from the crowd.

But the fact that Amao who fell in love at the sight of Ayano disturbed his calm facade.

He can't have anymore rival! thinking on how to get rid of Osano was already a nuisance in his life. Adding another just meant adding another headache.

But he still think. Readying himself in how to tackle his rival should Amao decided meeting her face-to-face.

He was lucky enough that Ayano hasn't properly got introduced to him. Amao would have time to make a place somewhere in her heart just like Osano if he were ever to impress her.

He would have to force her do a quick execution on Amai. Amao would have been heartbroken if her sister died and feel too depressed to even chased after Ayano.

"Alright. I'll just do this"

He texted Ayano.

Info-kun: Avoid Amao Odayaka at all cost

Ayano: why?

Info-kun: He will be a hindrance in getting rid of Amai

Ayano: Amai...? Amai Odayaka? Why would...

Ayano: Oh

Ayano: Is she going to steal my senpai???

Info-kun: Yes. Now don't interact with him. Just get rid of Amai as quickly as you can.

Ayano: Why would Amao be a hindrance in getting rid of Amai?

Info-kun: Just do as I tell you.

Ayano: Fine. But I can't promise you if I can.

Info-kun: You know what? I will just tell you if he ever get close. You owe me this one.

Ayano: Hmm

True as he said, he did tell her when he's getting closer. She would have to make excuses to Osano who will became crestfallen because he thought Ayano was getting annoyed with him, which is a bonus for Info-kun. And Amao would have to either continue searching for her or just give up.

Info-kun smirked in triumped. And he still does when she knocked Amai unconcious and easily carried her to the gardening club.

She put her body at the hole that was dug deeper and early that morning. And now, all she had to do was bury her alive and planted back the flowers.

Poor girl, she didn't see what's coming for her. Ayano had ambushed her when she was alone in the kitchen while she was busy doing the dough.

Info-kun praised Ayano once again for her efficiency in getting rid of her rival.

She then, quickly returned to the rooftop just in time when Osano came back from getting distracted by whatever stuffs Info-kun decided to do.

She had her alibi. No one suspected her. Not when Ayano herself doesn't know the Odayakas sibling.

It was perfect.

Except the plan on getting rid of his love rival was foiled.

It was a day later when his plan was foiled.

Everyone were worried where the cooking club leader younger sister, Amai Odayaka, went. Some students, mostly the members of the cooking club witnessed she was last seen at the cooking club but she was not there. The dough and all recipes intended to make a cake was gone. It was as if she was not there in the first place.

It has been days and there were no silhoutte of her. The police eventually got involved and questioned all of the students and investigated the school but so far, they didnt found something wrong.

Amao was very worried sick about his sister that he stayed in his club waiting for her with sullen face.

Ayano decided that it was fine to meet Amao after getting rid of Amai because she thought he was no longer a hindrance. To Info-kun, it's not actually fine for her to have thoughts on properly meeting him.

But the fact that Ayano F*cking Aishi DECIDED to comfort Amao was unforgivable.

Info-kun groaned once again when he saw Amao eyes lingered on her back with blushing face and longing eyes. He resented him for the way his eyes staring at his own hands where Ayano touched him in attempt to comfort him

Info-kun loathed him.

And he loathed him even more when Amao hummed quietly to himself, his hands busy decorating a cake but his smile were full of fondness as he use the cream to write her name.


"Hey, Ayano- chan." Amao approached her from behind. He was holding a basket covered with napkin over it. "Do you have a moment?"

Ayano blinked slowly at him.

"What do you want with Ayano-chan anyway? don't you have something to do?" Osano butted in.

Amao smile faltered a bit before handing out a cake "O-Oh. I just have something for Ayano-chan as a thanks for earlier. I'm very grateful for it really"

They both eyed the cake. It looks so delicious with the strawberry icing on top of it and the cream melting on the sides. a single strawberry placed in the middle next with Ayano's name.

Osano drooled before his eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait! When did you guys meet!?" he yelled.

"I told you just now. We just met this morning" Amao replied.

"B-But!" Osano looked at Ayano in disbelief "WHEN DID YOU LEAVE MY SIDE?"

Ayano tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean Osano? I sometimes walked around the school without you."

"WHAT!? HOW???"

Ayano ignored him and took a piece of cake that was cut readily for her and nibbled on it quietly like a mouse. Both boys looked at her suddenly blushed but Ayano didn't noticed that. She was busy eating and savoured the cake that tasted so sweet in her mouth.

"it tasted delicious" Ayano commented, licking the creams off her lips.

Amao who was positively red coughed lightly on his hand, "T-Thank you. I really appreciate that"

Osano immediately glared at him even though his face is also red as him.

Ayano only hummed and continue to finish her cake.

The whole period was spent with Osano one sided bickering with Amao who's hand feeding a reluctant Ayano.

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