Chapter 13

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So here I am, with a new chapter. I'm sorry you have to wait long, but this story can finally end!

I don't know if you like the ending or not, but it's the closest I could get that actually fits.

Anyway, please leave a comment, vote, and enjoy!


There was a strange ambiance hanging over school today. It was already tense the day Taro got murdered, but today is different. Different in a way there are knives hanging from the ceiling, ready to drop at any moment, but you don't know which one will drop.

The feeling of dread overwhelmed them, but they do not know how to handle this, merely going with the flow and pretending that everything is just fine.

The same couldn't be said for Osano. He was truly bothered by this and therefore began to fidget uncomfortably in his seat, unable to focus on the blackboard properly.

There was something going on that Osano couldn't describe at the moment. The only way to describe it was that he felt something that made his hair rise up.

Specifically, he felt being watched. He felt that constantly, but logically thinking, he was in a school. Everyone is bound to look at you at some point, even though it lasts for a second. However, today, it seemed more intense than before, making Osano nervous and paranoid.

And not to mention, Osano is in the classroom currently. There was no one watching him because everyone's attention was forward to the blackboard. The teacher was the exception, but her glances toward him were only temporary.

He tried to subtly look around him to find any signs of a pair of eyes on him to no avail. All eyes are on the board and not on him, so maybe his feelings were wrong...

Osano pressed his lips into a thin line as he directed his gaze to the board just to fool the teacher that he was paying attention. He must have thought too much ever since Taro died and the info Megamo talked over with them before, and now it's getting into his head.

The feeling still didn't go away. It seemed to be drilling into the back of his head the longer he tried to look for the source.

Osano didn't intend to hide this matter alone, so he brought it up when they met up. No, it's not because he was scared. He was just trying to confirm that if he was the only one feeling like this.

To his relief, they felt the same too.

"I feel eyes on me too, but I don't know where..." Aso trailed off while he scratched his head.

"Then, could it be, it's Ayano's stalker?" Amao gasped quietly, before his eyes sharpened with focus. "Are they looking for Yanchan?"

"It must be," Asu nodded with certainty. "This must mean that the stalker doesn't know what's going on with Ayano then and paid attention to us to see if we are interacting with her."

"Then this is good news, right? Should we do something about it? I think informing Megamo might help a lot."

"We don't have proof, and I doubt that telling him this will help him," Osano shook his head after a moment of thinking. "Besides, Megamo told us to lay low. I think we should do that. We don't know how the stalker is going to react if he knows."

"That's... true," murmured Aso, brushing his finger lightly on his chin. He then frowned as a thought crossed his mind.

They stalked and harassed Ayano and came up with a plan to murder Taro using his brother. To sit still and let others do it bothered him a lot when they could help out.

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