Chapter 1

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Info-kun was sitting infront of 6 wide monitors in his club. He was the only one there in the dark and gloomy room he called The Newspapers club.

He always stayed there. No one knew or had seen his face or the fact that he actually exist or not but they had heard of him.

he was known as a pervert and an information broker. He sell panty shots to boys and with his hacking and programming skills, he knew everyone's background and also their dirty little secrets.

Info-kun sighed for what seems to be the 30th times that day even though it's still early.

The light illuminated his bored, handsome face as he watched the students doing their daily routine.

Nothing changed. They all went the same place, the same path as if they were programmed to do that in their whole life.

He was getting tired of watching the same thing. Moreover, his club is about to get disband due to the lack of interesting events happenings.

"How troublesome..." he 'tsk'ed.

He continued to watch as the empty hallways started filling with students. And then, someone caught his interest.

He smirked at what he saw. One of the monitor shown a new student, a girl with a medium black haired with unnerving emotionless face.

Her eyes was so lifeless and void that Info-kun swore that if someone were to stare at them for too long, they might have thought she was staring into their soul.

His lips curled upward in a mischeivous smile, "Isn't that An Aishi? What a suprise, Luck must be on my side".

He knew about her mother. He knew her from the tapes that was left behind by his so-called father that never look him in the eye, cared for him and never bother speak to him.

Not that he mind, his father was that insignificant and played no major role in his life. In other word, he was useless.

Long ago, he found his father's tape. He listened to it before and he can only scoffed at his pathetic actions. He was so useless he can't convinced anyone that a girl is lying to their faces.

He decided to bring it to this highschool and put it around somewhere because he thought it will be fun to see someone's reaction on that tape.

Then, he make use of his skills to look for the Aishi.

There was barely a few information about the Aishi family other than the fact they were seen as a loving family by the neighbourhood and had good reputation. This family was consist of a doting, beautiful wife, a handsome father with a highly-paid job and their daughter, Ayano Aishi, the pretty and polite emotionless girl.

He hummed quietly, watching her jogged along the hallway when the bell ring.

"If she is the same as her mother, then, I have no doubts that she will break apart this Academy High's peace and bring some troubles. At least I have something to write for the news" Info-kun said.

He recalled staring at the picture for a lot of time back when he was still a child, he was staring at Ayano who was still a little girl. Her features was no different than the one in the present.

He concluded that this girl, Ayano Aishi, hasn't found 'The One'.

But he can't wait for her to start killing after she managed to find 'The One', his club will disband! who know how long it will take for her to find 'The One'. Who knows if he was not in this school and she will find him when she's a bit older.

Info-kun thought for awhile before he got an idea. He took out a paper and write on them with perfect handwritings. Inside was a request to come alone in one of the empty classroom during break time. He folded them to form a letter before he watched the cameras again.

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