Chapter 11

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I'm back again with another chapter. It's been a long time, I know, but I've been busy with school stuff and am also having a writing block. I do apologized if this chapter appeared rushed but on the side note, it's 7000+ words.

Fun fact, I actually did this chapter days before my exam. Edit this before said exam and finally finish it after that very same exam.

I also have assignment and another exam pending, so, yea, tough life.

So anyway, please enjoy this new chapter! Dont forget to vote and comment and have a nice day everyone!


"What is the meaning of this, Oko Ruto?"

Although Ayano was stunned, her voice was sharp and cold. It was as if a bucket of ice had just dropped on top of Oko.

Oko winced, his face distorted with fear and shock and in awe. She's beautiful, no matter how terrifying she is. His mouth opened and closed, struggling to get the words out.

He yelped pathetically when Ayano tightened her grip in warning, and only then did he repeat his words.

"Y-You've misunderstood! It's not me!"

Ayano narrowed her eyes, and she glanced at the roses not so subtly. "Then what are those?" She hissed, "no one else knows what I am except you, Oko Ruto."

Oko shook his head so hard that it looked like he would unscrew his head if he kept going. "No! no! Listen to me! I was just trying to help you."

"Help?" Ayano parroted while cocking one of her eyebrows questioningly. This time, Oko nodded instead.

"I saw that it bothered you, so I thought I'd help get rid of it for you," explained Oko meekly, red dusting his pale cheeks slightly.

Ayano narrowed her eyes; her suspicions haven't been fully dispelled.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" She gripped even tighter, almost digging her nails in.

"I wouldn't! I just wanted to help you!Please believe me!"

Oko was shaking. He was stuck between fear and awe. His face grew warm to her touch, even though it brought him pain. He couldn't help his lips from twitching into a joyful smile.

Ayano almost sneered at his face. She let go of him and immediately got up. She even brushed away the nonexistent dust on her clothes as if she had touched dirt herself.

"Then who sent those flowers?"

"I don't know..."

Ayano frowned in displeasure.

Who on earth could it be if it isn't Oko? Who else knew her? Did she know them?

Her eye twitched, cracking her blank face and showing him that she was angry on the inside. She turned to leave, seeing as she had nothing to do. She subtly displayed her frustration and anger toward the person behind this by stepping on the flowers.

She even makes sure to look around the room, hoping that whoever that person is will be able to see what she's doing so he can cease and desist whatever this is.

The door slammed shut with a bang, leaving Oko alone inside the classroom. He winced at the loud noise before sighing, and his tensed shoulder relaxed immediately.

He looked at the flowers for some time before he slowly knelt down to pick them up. He looked thoughtfully at the ones that had been crushed underneath her shoes before deciding that they were no good at all.

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