The Invitation

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IT'S BEEN WAY TOO LONG! SORRY, IT TOOK THIS LONG! I SAID MINI HIATUS, NOT A YEAR. But work was kicking my ass and making me too tired to write, and everything else was stressing me out - and still is - I haven't had a job in 4 months. I'm trying to bring up my Twitch channel to affiliate so that I can finally say that I did something right.

I'm going to shamelessly self-promote my Twitch:

Please help me reach my goal, and I will have the time to write when I'm off streams, or I'll write something else during my streams. I only need my average viewer count to go up. Help me and I will dedicate a whole 2 months to this story.

(C/n)'s P.O.V

"(Y/n), Cyrus Borg wants to test out his security system for the Golden Armor and Sensei Wu asked for all of us to participate," I read from my phone messages.

"I'd like to see you actually get the others for that - even though that won't happen. Unfortunately, I can't be there. We're recording another song," I replied.

"Another? Well, okay. I'll tell Sensei Wu and Borg that you couldn't make it. Tell the others I said hi," he responded.

"Duly noted," I giggled.

"(Y/n)? Is everything okay?" Serenity asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah, of course," I nodded, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Whenever you five are ready," she nodded.

I nodded once at the drummer and (B/n), who placed his fingers around the bass guitar in confidence. You see, our regular bass guitarist - Charlie - got sick and we needed a sub for this song. I, of course, volunteered my brother. If he can play Guitar Hero on the hardest mode they have, he can probably handle this. Besides, he's learned guitar before.

"Not bad, (B/n)," my bandmates congratulated my brother.

"You think?" he asked.

I had to leave the room to go to the bathroom. I walked into the hallway and made a beeline for the bathrooms down the hallway.

"How many songs have you played since Zane died?" I heard Lloyd's voice ask before he stopped me right before the bathroom door.

"I don't know, but we both know that you can save the team speech, Lloyd," I shrugged.

"Figured, but maybe I just wanted to see how things were going," Lloyd said.

"That's sweet. How about letting me go to the bathroom?" I smiled.

"O-Oh, uh, yeah. Right. Sorry," Lloyd hastily moved out of the way.

"Thanks. Also, just tell me what time to be there," I said.

"There's a letter for you," Emily told me when I walked back into the recording studio.

I took a held-out letter and held it in my palms. Normally, it's fan mail or something like that, but if it was that, wouldn't it all go somewhere else? No, this is something else. The guys don't write to me. Like Lloyd, we text. At least they still keep in contact with me and (B/n).

You know what problem lies ahead. It would be common sense if it was related to that.

It can't possibly be about that. He only invited the elemental masters to the tournament, by a fortune cookie. There was no way he could know about me.

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