Codename: Arcturus

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Trigger warning. Mentions of self-harm, though it's only in this first part.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"I can't do this alone anymore. As long as I have all this power, they'll never stop coming for me," Lloyd spoke. I leaned against the wall - (B/n) next to me - next to the door of the Temple of Light as the four ninja stood at the pillars with Lloyd standing in the middle circle. He sighed.

"From here on out, we can't let anything separate us again," Zane said looking in my direction as he said that.

"He's right!" Jay agreed.

"Absolutely," Cole nodded from his position, arms crossed over his chest.

"Let's do this," Kai narrowed his eyes in determination.

Lloyd created a ball of energy and threw it up, ringing the bell. After a few seconds, the power came back down on Lloyd and separated toward the four ninja. Kai lit his hand on fire, a smile gracing his face. Zane made an arch of ice, Cole made the place shake and some pebbles flew up around him, and Jay was making it rain lightning over himself.

"The Elemental's inside us," Zane realized.

"I thought it was in a fortune cookie," I rolled my eyes lightheartedly. I was just glad that they don't need weapons to channel their powers anymore.

As the ninja played with their powers, I walked over to where the walls showcased my life.

"I never told you that the Temple of Light also had my life, did I?" I asked, not bothering to look at my brother.

"No. You never told me, even when we were hiding from the Overlord," he shook his head.

"Because I'm not proud of some of the things up here," I sighed, showing him one of the rougher tapestries.

(B/n) looked at the picture in shock. It was me, sitting on a bathroom floor, with a sharp knife grasped in my hands. After taking in my torn clothes, disheveled hair, and fetal position, he turned to me.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked. I looked away from him and looked at the picture.

"That look right there. You always knew me to be strong and that I could take care of myself. You taught me to be strong and not let anything bother me. I didn't want to tell you of those days when I broke down and tried to end it all. I didn't want you to think that I failed you," I explained. (B/n) wrapped me in a hug, placing my head on his chest, even though we were about the same height.

"You don't ever have to worry about how I feel about you. You're my twin sister, I don't expect you to be like me. We may be twins, but we're different. I will always worry about you because I'm your brother. The protective older brother has to protect his little sister," (B/n) said. I smiled, looking up in his (e/c) eyes.

"All right. If you want to know about everything, I will tell you," I said.

"I'll hold you to that," (B/n) gripped me one last time before letting me go.

(B/n)'s P.O.V

I stood behind Zane and P.I.X.A.L. on the top floor of Borg Tower. I wish I could be in the field with (Y/n), but I'm not a ninja.

I turned my head as the elevator doors opened. Garmadon walked out and stopped in between me and Wu.

"Any update on the search?" Garmadon asked.

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