Day of the Dragon

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My 22nd birthday has just passed, as well as my 7th anniversary on Wattpad! Here is a present!

(C/n)'s P.O.V

I overlooked the palace from a distance with Nya, Lloyd, and Garmadon.

"He knows you're coming," I halted the Green Ninja from jumping down there.

"But I can't just hide here and do nothing," he protested.

"We're not doing nothing. We're not letting him get our powers," I replied.

"We'll wait until nightfall. There's too many," Nya informed, observing the many guards that were down there.

"Then he'll definitely know you're coming," I argued.

"He'll see us coming either way," Lloyd retorted.

"Probably true," I hummed.

"Every minute we're out here, he grows more powerful and-" Lloyd turned to Nya. Garmadon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Son, Chen grows strong by taking from others. But real power does the opposite. It empowers those around you. Like the way you've empowered me. We will get you to Chen, and you will destroy his staff," he spoke.

It was nightfall, and the three were about to sneak into the palace. They tried to get me to tag along, but I made it clear that I wasn't going to satisfy Chen with my power.

"Remember, destroy the staff, and everyone's power returns. You came here to make your team whole. Finish the job," Sensei Garmadon reminded Lloyd. He threw his hood over his head and Nya used her grappling hook. They zip-lined into the place and I was left alone.

Now, are you going to wait here until morning arrives? Or leave into the jungle where no one knows where you are?

Oh, yeah. They don't all come out until morning.

Jumping into the nearby trees, I sat on a large branch and leaned against the trunk. Looks like I've got some time to kill.

I jumped when I heard two piercing screams down below.

"What? Ahh!" I slipped and fell from the tree.

"That didn't feel good," I groaned, sitting upright.

"Good morning, sunshine!" I looked over and saw (Y/n) and Alice.

"Why? Why would you do that?" I demanded in Jay's tone from Rise of the Snakes.

"Just testing your reflexes," (Y/n) shrugged innocently.

"Oh, I'll show you testing reflexes," I grumbled as I stood up, massaging my wing as I did so. I motioned Alice to stand away from my double and after one look at me, she ran off toward Kai and the others.

"Ah!" I yelled, lunging at the singer. She sidestepped me and smirked when I turned back towards her.

"You think you can catch me off guard? Have you forgotten that I'm you?" she asked, crossing her arms, hissing the second question so no one else could hear.

"Had to try," I shrugged. She giggled and walked towards me. We then started walking together towards the others.

"Oh, god. Don't be that evil duplicate from Darkley's," (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"Pfft, nah," I scoffed.

"Good. I'd hate to deal with that again," she replied. We stopped next to the ninja, Alice, Nya, and (Band).

"Hello, (Y/n)," Zane greeted, looking between the two of us. I rose an eyebrow, but not enough for anyone other than Zane to notice.

"Morning, Zane," (Y/n) responded.

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