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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Staring at the ceiling in my room, my mind wandered. I was bored,already being done with all of my homework for the weekend.

A thought crossed my mind.

I've always wondered if I played a theme song on our piano, what would happen? My mom and brother both watch me every time I practice, and they only let me play the regular songs and the ones I'm assigned from marching band, band, and choir, but they don't...I don't know...feel right if that makes sense. It's like the type of songs that I play aren't meant to play on the piano.

Good thing they both don't get home until later, so I have time to see what happens.

I walked downstairs into my mom's office and turned on the computer. Quickly naming off a few theme songs, I printed them and scribbled the right piano notes.

I snuck everything back to its original state before leaving the room and into the sun room, which leads into the backyard and where the piano is.

I sat at the black piano with its gold accents and sat on the bench. I put the music that was in my hands on the holder in front of me. I then warmed up and stretched out my hands/fingers - they were going to get quite a workout - and began playing. If I play a song I know, I always have the urge to sing along, so I ended up singing.

"Just jump up kick back whip around and spin
and then we jump back do it again



come on, come on
we're gonna do it again, we just jump up kick back whip around, and spin
and then we jump back do it again



come on, come on
and do the weekend whip



come on, come on, come on,
and do the weekend whip
jump up kick back whip around and spin!"

Hey, Ninjago's not just for boys. If boys can watch My Little Pony, then girls can watch Ninjago and stuff. Plus, my brother may or may not have gotten me into it. We may be 17, but we still watch and love the show, although I stopped caring all that much about the show after the Ninjago Movie. It felt like they wiped the slate clean and started over at season 8. At this point, I just watch to keep up to date.

Huh...nothing happened.

I was about to stand up and walk back into the house and back to my room when I suddenly realized something when I looked up.

I looked up and saw that my surroundings were covered in trees.


I'm not in my backyard in (y/h/t) anymore?

I checked my back pockets and sighed in relief. It might come back to be a problem later, but it's good to have my phone.

"Was it a cuckoo bird?" I heard someone ask mockingly. I then heard three voices laugh. I wanted to hide under the piano. Trust me, I really wanted to, but curiosity's a bitch.

I went over to the voices sneakily, which knowing me, is very hard work. I hid behind some bushes and looked between them. No, I'm not a stalker.

I saw four guys in ninja suits, and they were colorful suits, which made me question if they were really ninja or just forest street performers.

One was fiery red, one electric blue, one snow-white, and the last was black. Hey, someone with some sense!

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Four guys in ninja suits. . .red, blue, white, and black. . .forest. . .one mocked about a cuckoo bird. . .




"Of course not. Everyone knows cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests," the white one replies.

I knew it!

But, hey. They don't look like LEGO. I thought that when I came to a TV show of LEGO figures, that the characters would still be LEGO figures. Guess not, but whatever, I'm not complaining. I'd rather not be a walking brick.

I stepped back...and grimaced as my foot broke a stick.

"What was that?" Cole asked.

My eyes widened as he came in my direction. I quickly went behind the tree behind me and tried to climb it. Keyword; tried. I fell on my butt and back, and I'm telling you, that hurts!

"Owwie..." I rubbed my rear to try and soothe it. Cole stopped right in front of me.

"Uhhhhhh, hi?" I greeted with a sheepish smile.

Cole helped me back up and brought me to the group.

"Who are you?" Kai asked, suspicion in his voice as he pointed the Dragon Sword of Fire at me.

"Can you not point the sword that shoots fire at me please?" I raised an eyebrow at Kai.

"Answer the question," Cole demanded but pulled Kai's sword away.

"My name's (Y/n), very nice to meet you," I introduced.

"That is a wonderful name. A pleasure to meet you. I am Zane," Zane introduced. Hehe, I know.

"I'm Cole," Cole greeted.

"I'm Jay, and the hothead over there is Kai," Jay smiled, introducing himself and Kai.

I snickered at the 'hothead' part as Kai growled at Jay. That's Kai all right.

"Nice to meet you all, but you better go and do your ninja thing," I said.

"Oh yeah. She's right, guys," Cole remembered.

"How did you know that we were ninja?" Jay asked.

"You're wearing ninja gis, duh," I replied. Jay blushed in embarrassment.

"Come on, guys, let's go," Cole ordered, running off. Kai and Jay followed, but Zane stood still, eyeing me.

"Zane! Come on!" Cole called back.

Zane seemed to shake himself out of his trance and ran after Kai, Jay, and Cole.

"Well...might as well figure out what this piano did," I said to myself, walking back to the clearing I was first in.

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