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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I looked all in and out of the piano, not finding anything of the ordinary. It looks just like how a regular piano is supposed to look. Nothing was broken, snapped, or anything like that.

So, what's so different about this piano that it took me to Ninjago?

The only thing that I can think of to do is to play a different theme song on another piano and see if it does what mine did.

And I know the perfect place where I can guarantee that there's a piano, Ed and Edna's Junkyard.

The place was in the desert, still not okay with that. So, I better start walking.

It took a few days - of course, I slept and took care of myself as best I could, considering the circumstances - but I finally made it to Ed and Edna's place at dusk.

"Hello?" I called out.

While looking around for Jay's parents, I had to resist the urge to look up and see if Lloyd and the fangpyre were there.

Around me, light surrounded my form, and I stepped out of the way of the Jalopy's crash. I really hope that they fix that soon.

"Home sweet home," Ed smiled. He got out of the makeshift car, picked up a toolbox, and walked towards a giant metal robot ninja.

"And back to the grind," he added as he walked towards it.

"Oh, sweetie, you've been working on that thing day and night," Edna sighed.

"You never know when Jay may show up," Ed chuckled.

"Oh, hello dear. What are you doing here?" Edna asked, taking notice of me.

"I just came to ask if there was a piano I could borrow," I said. We started walking to their trailer.

"Of course. Why don't you stay the night and you can look through for one tomorrow?" Edna offered.

"I'd love to stay for the night. Thank you," I smiled. Edna opened the trailer door and let me inside.

"Uh...Edna? ...Was that you?" I heard Ed ask.

"What Ed? Are you hearing things again?" Edna screamed back.

"Oh, uh, you turned on the security alarm before you left, didn't ya, hon?" Ed yelled.

Edna walked back outside and to the broken security alarm and jiggled it.

"Must be broken," she told Ed.

"If it was on, it probably would've gone nuts already," I commented. Then, all the lights went out.

Oh...oh crud.

"Whoever's there, my son knows Spinjitzu!" Ed yelled out. You've gotta hand it to the man, he shows no fear at that moment.

Ed ran over to Edna and put his hands on her shoulders. If he noticed me, then he didn't show it.

"What is it? Why are the lights out?" Edna asked.

"Call Jay, hon. Someone's broken in," Ed said, glancing at me.

"I'm harmless," I immediately defended, holding my hands up in defense. Lloyd took that as the cue to be known.

"How about we wait until he calls you?" he laughs, holding the cut phone. He tries so hard with his evil laugh but failing so badly. I had to resist the urge to cringe.

"Ed," Edna said in a scared voice.

"Be strong, Edna. I won't let them hurt you," Ed said, hugging Edna protectively. That part was always cute.

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