The Surge

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was in the sound booth with my band, ready to play the season 3 remix of Weekend Whip.

"Are you sure a remix is a good idea?" Alex, my electric guitarist, asked.

"Trust me, this is a good remix," I smiled back at him.

"Whenever you're ready," Serenity called in the booth, (B/n) standing next to her.

"Come on, guys," I said.

I then started playing the keyboard, my fingers flying across the synthesizer keyboard to keep pace with how fast the song's supposed to go.

"That was amazing, (Y/n)!" (B/n) exclaimed, hugging me.

"That was some amazing work you did on that keyboard, (N/n)," Serenity agreed. Looking behind me at the rest of my group, they nodded as we filed out of the sound booth.

"I can tell you one thing. That was a workout on my hands!" I breathed a laugh, shaking my hands.

"Go ahead and get out of here. See you next time, (N/n)," Serenity giggled.

I left the building with my brother in tow. I waved goodbye to Emily, Alex, Charlie, and James as they left in their respective directions.

"So...what now?" I smiled, looking at (B/n).

He was about to answer, but he was cut off by a hovercar almost running us over.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" my brother yelled to the hover car's driver. There was no response.

Wait a minute, we're walking on the sidewalk, and that hovercar was way too out of control to be the driver's fault. This has to be something else.

"Let's visit the ninja," I said.

"You mean...?" (B/n) looked at me.

"...Exactly," I nodded once, eyes narrowing in a determined glare. I ran into an alley and Spinjitzued into my elemental kimono from the Dark Island, flipping over my mask.

We both ran, I ran back into the building, and to the roof - making sure I wasn't seen or heard - and started jumping on the roofs towards the scene where the ninja would be surrounded, and my brother ran off.

I knew this season was going to happen. I just didn't know when, so (B/n) and I always stayed close. We always visited Serenity, the ninja, and I made friends with Borg.

I ran with all my might, the wind whipping at my mask, ninja suit, and skin.

I jumped and flipped over each roof, hoping no technology scanned me and recognized me.

I was on a corner roof where the ninja and Sensei were being surrounded.

I took a deep breath and jumped.

As I was falling, I made an orb of my power and let it loose toward the ground, stopping all the tech at the same time a golden power stopped them in their tracks.

"Lloyd! (Y/n)!" the ninja exclaimed in happiness.

I somersaulted as I landed, then calmly walked to them.

"Robots vs Ninja? Dare I ask?" Lloyd chuckled. The ninja ran up to him and hugged him.

"You are a sight for sore eyes," Kai smiled.

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