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Peter stared up at the man, completely terrified. His senses were going haywire, dialled to twelve. His stomach felt as though all his intestines were going to fall out. He clutched it tightly, afraid of that happening.

The blonde man before him stared down at him with a sneer and a strange glint in his blue eyes. Now that Peter looked closer at him, he looked to be in his late forties, there were scratches and small scars covering his body and face. He had obviously been doing whatever he was doing for a long time.

"Vell, vell, vell," the man tsked at him, shaking his head in a mocking way. "Stark is recruiting children now? Pathetic."

"I am not a child," Peter bit out, angry at the man's jibe at his mentor. He hated this, he couldn't get up even if he wanted to. He couldn't feel his legs, they only tingled underneath him.

"But aren't you?" the man tilted his head. "You look, vell, sixteen?" The man took another step closer. "Of course if you are a child, I vill show mercy. However, you claim to be not a child. So no mercy?"


Harley couldn't believe what was happening. He stared as the man made a jibe at Tony, completely furious that he was still gaining on Peter.

His darling boyfriend was kneeling on the ground, still clutching his stomach. He listened and felt his chest tighten when the man asked 'no mercy.'

The blonde man took the back of his weapon and slammed it into the side of Peter's face.

"No!" Harley, as well as the others, screamed out. Cindy, Betty, and Sally were clutching each other with sobs poring out of their mouths. MJ was holding Shuri in an embrace, her shoulders shaking aggressively.

Ned took his backpack off and dug through the pouch. He hurriedly brought out his laptop and had it turned on by the time the man brought his weapon down a fifth time.

"Ned, what are you doing?" MJ asked in a watery voice. At this Shuri brought her tear-stained face out of the crook of MJ's shoulder.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" She asked, her accent thicker from the tears. She passed Harley, who wouldn't tear his eyes away from the screen, in favour of going to Ned.

"Plug this into the lock pad ," Ned gave Shuri a long cord that was already attached to his laptop. Shuri did as told and watched as a Ned's laptop showed a complicated pattern of numbers and letters.

"I can't open the door," Ned rushed out. "Tony designed it. But I think I can get that vent open."

At this Harley tore his eyes away from the screen, where the man was now walking over to Bruce.


Peter felt like dying. Blood was going in his eye from where the handle of the blondes weapon had hit him. He was laying on his side, curled up to try to keep his face and stomach from harm.

"You are," the man paused before spitting out at him. "Disappointing."

Peter heard slow footsteps walk away from him and looked up to see the man walking towards a stirring Bruce. The cut on his head caused by the hit certainly caused a concussion.

"Don't, touch him!" Peter gasped out, trying to get up. The man stopped beside Bruce and looked over at Peter.

"Vy should I?" He aimed his gun-like contraption at Bruce's head. "Say goodbye boy."


Tony blasted another contraption out of an enemies hold. The interns he was firing at scurried away towards a subway, thankful that their boss had been there to help.

Peter Parker And The Terrible No Good Very Bad Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now