Dining Disasters

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Sorry for the wait! I've been busy with family and stuff.

The students and teacher each had their own rooms. Harley stayed on the floor as well so that he could be an extra supervisor as well as making sure everyone stayed safe.

Peter's room was right beside Harley's so they could easily sneak into each others rooms if they wanted.

As the students got settled into their rooms they began to file into the living space so that they could head to dinner with the Avengers. As the last students made it to the area, Harley began his speech.

"We are going up to the Avengers personal floor so you need to listen to the rules. There will be no sneaking off to find bedrooms or anything. You are to remain in the kitchen or connected living area with the exception of the bathroom. The last rule is to have fun and not freak out." The last rule was said with a glance at Ned that left Peter chuckling.

They all filed into the elevator to go to the Avengers floor. Flash ended up standing right next to Peter and made it his duty to be an asshole.

"Seriously Penis, now's the time to give up all of this. Just tell us you're sucking them off and we'll spare you the embarrassment."

"Flash, why would Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and Bruce Banner pretend to know me? They don't have to. And if you think they would you are very dim."

"Very very dim," MJ voiced from behind them and Flash backed off.

The elevator dinged before it opened up to the chatting Avengers and the smell of pizza.

The students started to fangirl and fanboy over them and eagerly followed Harley out into the space.

"Peter, we get to eat with the Avengers!" Ned exclaimed as he grabbed Peter's arm and shook it.

"You've literally eaten here several times Ned."

"But now we're with our class!"

"Exactly! Think of all the embarrassment!" Peter stopped and looked at Ned.

"But you can prove that you know them," Ned responded and Peter sighed. He nodded his head and the turned back to where Harley was standing in front of them.

"So what's gonna happen is you're gonna grab some food, as much as you want. They eat like pigs here. After you'll come take a seat on a free couch, beanbag, or the floor." Everyone walked into the kitchen area to get food before heading over to the living room to sit and gawk at the Avengers. 

Harley dragged Peter to sit with him beside Tony. He managed to squish Peter between them and smirked at Peter's glare.

"You look like an angry puppy," Tony said as he fluffed Peter's hair, causing Peter to squawk and bat his hand away.

"Don't touch the hair!" Peter squeaks as Tony moves to do it again and scrambles onto Harley's lap.

"Well I have access to your hair now Darlin'," Harley said as he moved to touch the hair and Peter moved to sit beside the two of them again.

"This is bullying," Peter said with his arms crossed.

"You love it," Tony said with a quick fluff of the boys hair before turning back to his pizza. Peter huffed but began eating his own pizza.

The students stared at the three before shrugging and getting used to the fact that Peter was close with the Avengers. They were however still shocked that Tony Stark seemed to take on a domestic role around the boy.

Flash stared at Peter before glaring and thinking up ways to call him out on his lying. Surely this can't be true. There was no way that he managed to get the great Tony Stark to hire him. Right?

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