Sparring with Spangles

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The students, teacher, and tour guide huddled together in the elevator and went to the ground floor.

"Why are we at the ground floor?" Betty asks. The students were wondering why they were there too. Were they leaving?

"We're gonna have some downtime and chill in the gardens for a while," Harley gave them a reassuring smile. The students melted at the smile.

Harley led them through a hallway directly by the elevator and all the way to the other side of the building. The tower had a large amount of field behind it. Kind of like Central Park but it was like a backyard for the occupants of the tower.

It had a border of trees and beautiful stone walls that were guarded with FRIDAY as security.

They arrived at a large door and Harley opened it and held it open as the group made their way out. Mouths dropped in awe.

The garden was beautiful. Neatly trimmed grass and large trees that could easily be climbed and perched comfortably in. An assortment of flowers were all throughout the gardens part of the large area.

"Welcome to the most relaxing part of the Tower," Harley spoke softly. "You can go anywhere you want but make sure to come 'round in about three hours and we'll head to the next location. If you need the bathroom just go back through the door and there are bathroom signs as soon as you get in."

The students scattered. Most of the boys went to climb the trees. The girls went to either lay in the grass or look at all the flowers. MJ and Ned went to talk at one of the several park benches. Mr. Harrington also went to a park bench to observe the students.

Harley turned to Peter and grabbed his right hand. With a smile he bent down and kissed his knuckles. Peter blushed.

"Mr. Parker," Harley said in a prince-like way that made Peter giggle. "Will you accompany me on a walk through these grand gardens?"

"Why certainly Mr. Keener," Peter responded and they headed off. They could hear some of the girls (Cindy, Betty, Sally) awing and squealing.

Harley walked Peter through the flowers and pecked his cheek every once in a while. They eventually made it through the whole garden and walked to a patch of grass to lay down on and watch the clouds.

"I love you," Peter said as he turned to lay his head on Harley's chest and look up at him.

"I love you too Darlin'," Harley responded with a smile and leaned down to kiss Peter. They heard squealing and Harley smiled wider as Peter blushed and buried his face in Harley's chest.

They stayed that way for a while. Harley stroking Peter's hair and Peter looking so content and almost asleep. Harley was sure that if he could, Peter would be purring.

The three hour mark was drawing near. Only around twenty minutes left. The two boys made their way to the benches and sat at a table a little ways away from Ned and MJ.

"I'll be right back," Peter told Harley as he stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Alright Darlin'," Harley responded as he made his way to join their friends at their table.

Peter was washing his hands when Flash walked into the bathroom.

"You're so disgusting Parker," Flash sneered at him as Peter dried his hand off with a paper towel. "How many times have you sucked him off to get him to pretend to be with you?"

"He's my boyfriend Flash," Peter responded as he tried to leave but Flash grabbed his shoulders and pinned him up against the wall.

"You're pathetic Penis," Flash hissed. "You're just a sad little orphan boy. Anyone you touch gets killed. It's only a matter of time before he leaves you."

Peter Parker And The Terrible No Good Very Bad Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now