The Lab Of Stark

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Everyone ate a delicious breakfast and thanked the cooks greatly. They divided into groups. Some of the Avengers went to the gym and some went to just go relax. Harley gathered the students and teacher by the elevator and were joined by Tony.

"We're gonna start out the day with a special privilege," Harley smiles a charming smile. "The old man ("Hey!") has given us permission to view his labs and let us see some of his projects. A fair warnin' though. If you touch anything without permission directly from either Tony, Peter or I you will be escorted back to the guest floor where depending on what you touched will either get you a loss of privileges or a ride back home."

The students nodded eagerly Flash scoffed before holding his hand up, careful not to upset the boyfriend of the guy he hated.

"Why does Parker get to tell us whether we can touch things or not?" Flash asked in the most polite fake way he could.

Tony spoke as they all got into the elevator. "Because he has projects in the lab as well and has spent more time in it than you ever will."

Flash just sulked and plotted ways to embarrass Peter in the back of the elevator while it travelled to the lab.

Harley grabbed Peter's hand and kissed him on the nose (making a few girls squeal) and giving him a smile. Tony rolled his eyes and physically separated the two to stand in between them. He then turned an accusing finger on Harley.

"Listen here Keener. You leave Pete alone. You've already corrupted him enough and he's still an innocent little cinnamon roll." Many students giggled and cooed at the fatherly threat. "So quit using his cuteness to your advantage."

"You've already given me the shovel talk old man!" Harley fires back. "You don't even know how un-innocent he is!"

Tony threw an arm around Peter's shoulders and used his other hand to squish Peter's cheeks together. "Cinnamon roll!"


"Watch the hair!"


"You have arrived," FRIDAY's voice rang out as the elevator dinged. Peter got out of Tony's grip and flattened his hair with a glare to Tony who just smirked at him.

Tony stepped out first along with Peter and Harley. The rest nervously and eagerly followed them. The lab had been gone through the previous day by Tony who put safety measures in. Tony also hid everything that wasn't supposed to be seen (i.e. The Spidersuit).

"FRIDAY, light it up!" Tony called out and immediately holograms and lights that hadn't been on before were glowing.

The students were in awe. They went around the lab and looked over everything. Flash went over to look at the expensive cars while the others went around the room. A handful of girls were cooing at Dummy, U, and Butterfingers. The rest of the students were asking Tony questions about some of his projects.

"Who wants to try on an Iron Man repulsor?" Tony asked and everyone from around the lab rushed up to him. "Okay! Okay! One at a time!" Tony called Ned up and helped him put on the glove. It was powered down so that it would be safe for the class to use.

"This is an older model from the suit so I don't power it up as much. Keener, however, does it all, the, time."

Harley just looked back at him with an innocent expression. "I just wanna be like you old man."

Tony paled and looked between a now smirking Harley and Peter who was trying to hide his giggles. "I will take away both of your lab privileges."

"No you won't," Harley said smugly.

"Yes I will."

"No you won't," Peter said with puppy eyes.

"No I won't."

"Tony worked his way through all the students and gave them an even amount of time to wear the glove. When Flashes turned rolled around, he took a good twenty seconds off his time so that it wasn't as noticeable that he took time but still felt better about it.

About halfway through the students, Peter had went to his part in the lab to work on one of his projects. He had been working on an R2-D2 bot so that Dummy, U, ant Butterfingers could have a new friend to play with. Some of the students saw and they eventually all crowded around him just as he finished and the bot let out a little 'beep'.

"Mr. Stark! I did it!" Peter yelled out happily as the bot rolled around on the table.

"Good job kid," Tony replied with a smile as he came over. "Works like a beauty."

"I'm gonna put him with the others," Peter told him before lifting the bot up and over to Dummy. the bots began to beep at each other happily and soon started rolling around and playing.

"How did you make all of this?" Cindy asked him when he stepped back near the table.

"He got help from Stark, obviously," Flash scoffed.

"Actually," Tony said smugly. "The kid did this all by himself."

"Peter, this is amazing!" Betty exclaimed as she looked at one of the holograms of the bot's mainframe. Peter blushed and let his classmates ask him questions about some of his other projects.

Harley just watched the whole thing a little bit away. He had a small smile on his lips. He loved that Peter was gaining more confidence as he showed his classmates his projects. He was joined by Tony who came to stand to his left.

"Whatcha thinkin' Keener?" he asked as he looked at Peter.

"He deserves the world," Harley whispered breathlessly.

"He does," Tony agreed before putting his arm around Harley. Harley looked down at Tony who was shorter than him (much to Tony's dislike) and Tony looked back at him. "You're good for him."

"So are you," Harley responded. They were staring at each other with sincerity and love. Harley was like another son to Tony. Tony had just bonded more with Peter and when the two teens got together he started looking at Harley like a son-in-law but his son never-the-less.

"Don't break his heart." There was no threat in the words but it was hidden in his voice and it was blazing in his eyes. Harley looked back to Peter who was explaining one of his ideas he had started working on with a huge smile on his face. Harley's lips twitched up.

"I won't."

Hey people! I just wanted to say thank you for all of the views and votes! I was messing with the setting and I saw that people from Australia, Germany, India, United Kingdom, U.S. and Canada read my story! Thank you! Please review!

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