Goodmorning Lovebirds

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Harley woke to the sight of his beautiful boyfriends face. Or hair. Peter was sleeping on Harley's left side. His leg was thrown over Harley's and his right hand was holding on to Harley's arm. His head was buried in Harley's chest.

Harley looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 7:30 so he tried to get Peter up. He shook Peter a little bit but all he did was move his head and make a snuffling noise as he got comfortable.

Harley felt like dying.

"Wake up Darlin'," he shook Peter again and Peter's chocolate eyes opened and looked into his own. Peter made a noise of disapproval at being woken up and closed his eyes again.

"Come on baby, it's almost time for breakfast," Harley sat up and brought Peter with him. He lifted Peter so he was sitting on his lap.

Peter opened his eyes and gave him a pout and his famous puppy dog eyes. Harley chuckled and let Peter koala himself around the southern boy.

"Good morning baby," Harley whispered as he kissed Peter's temple.

"Good morning Harls," he replied and pulled away. He yawned and brought his hands up to rub his eyes in the most adorable way possible.

"Why don'  you go shower an' I'll go wake the others?" Harley asked, his accent thick from waking up.

"Okay," Peter responded as he koala'd himself around Harley and let his boyfriend carry him to the bathroom on the other side of the room. Harley set Peter down and kissed him before going to wake all the students.

Harley put on some jeans instead of the sweats he wore to bed and adjusted his hoodie before he stepped out of his room and into the hallway. He looked to his right into the living room and saw a few girls on their phones and yawning every once in a while and Mr. Harrington watching the news and drinking a cup of coffee.

"We'll head on up in about a half hour," Harley told them from the doorway and received nods in response.

Harley went down the hallway and knocked on the bedrooms. He started with the girls side because their was only one girl who wasn't in the living room who was on the Decathlon team.

MJ opened the door and Harley smirked at her. "Mornin' MJ"

"Morning dork," she responded before grabbing her bag and heading to Ned's room to wake him up. Harley then made sure the rest of the boys were ready to go for 8:00 and went back to his room.

He opened the door and saw Peter in light blue skinny jeans and one of Harley's dark blue hoodies. His fingers only just went out of the arms and he had the hood up to cover his drying hair.

"Hey Darlin'," Harley gave him a quick kiss before going to go shower himself.

Peter stayed in their room and checked his notifications while he waited for Harley. He had a text from Mr. Stark.

Hey kid. How was your night?

It was great! Harley and I watched a movie!

Bleh. I don't wanna hear about what you two do at night.

Mr Stark!

Quit it with the 'Mr. Stark'!

Quit it with the 'Overprotective Mentor-ness!'

Ok ok! See you at breakfast.

Ok! :)

Harley came out of the bathroom in blue jeans and a light grey shirt.

"You ready to go Darlin?" he asked as he grabbed Peter's hand.

"Yep!" Peter replied with a kiss to his cheek and let blonde into the hall.

They went into the living room and after doing a head-count, Harley led them to the elevator. Once inside, Harley let FRIDAY take them up to the Avengers floor.

When the doors opened the students mouths watered. Different smells flooded out from the kitchen. Most of the avengers were there.

Tony and Pepper were standing by the table. Tony had a cup of coffee in hand and he had the other hand holding Peppers waist. They were smiling at whatever they were talking about.

Bruce was drinking tea and talking with Nat on the couch. Clint and Thor were debating on what horror movies were better from their marathon a week ago.

In the kitchen was Steve and Bucky. They were cooking the breakfast while Wanda and Vision set it out on the island.

The students started going into the living room to wait for the food to be done. Peter however went over to Tony and Pepper.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" he greeted with a smile as they turned to him with their own smiles. "Hi miss Pepper!"

"Why do you call her by her name but not me?" Tony asked with a (manly) pout.

"Because she's the boss lady!" Peter replied and Pepper smiles before bringing him into a hug. Tony glared at the two before rolling his eyes.

"I'm revoking your lab privileges," he said and took another sip of coffee.

"No you're not," Pepper said with another smile to Peter as she stepped back from the embrace.

"No I'm not," Tony replied immediately. Pepper smirked and winked at Peter before going over to Mr. Harrington to talk about the trip.

"Boss lady," Peter stage-whispered to Tony who set his coffee down and gave him a noogie. Peter squawked and got away from his mentors hands.

He was unaware of the students in the living room staring at the two of them. The students couldn't believe how close the two were. Some of them exchanged glances and smiles. They all had one thought in their heads.

Father and son.

Flash however was glaring. He wanted that to be him. Why couldn't anyone see how fake it was. Tony Stark felt sorry for the poor little orphan boy. Penis was probably giving him some extra attention in certain places.

Flash smirked then. That had to be what it was. Parker has given himself up to be the Avengers little toy and in return they were letting him continue with his lies.

Flash would not have that.

He would find a way to expose him. And once he did, Stark would offer him a job for figuring it out. Maybe he could have his own way with the little brat.

Sorry for the late update! I've been dealing with family and haven't had time. I'll try to update sooner!

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