The Arrival

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Peter arrived at the school a few minutes before the bell. He went to Mr. Harrington's room to wait with his fellow decathlon members.

He thought it was useless to go to school when he would be coming back home right after. But if he wanted to keep his secret he would have to go through whatever it takes.

He got to the classroom and went right over to Ned and Mj. Ned was fidgety with excitement while MJ was reading a book with a bored expression.

"Peter!" Ned exclaimed when Peter arrived beside the two. The only acknowledgment from MJ was a slight head nod.

"Are you ready for my destined death?" Peter asked with a sigh.

"I'm ready to see my girlfriend but sure. I'll plan the funeral." MJ spoke in the same bored tone as always. MJ had met Shuri when Peter had invited her and Ned over for a sleepover. Shuri started flirting with MJ and MJ did the same. They eventually exchanged numbers and later started dating.

"We'll make sure there's a Kahoot!!"   Ned told him as the bell rang.

"Alright troops!" Mr. Harrington called. "Let's round up our bags and get on the bus! Sign your name on your way out of class!"

The students signed their names and made their way to the bus out front. They put all their bags in the back of the bus and spread out in the front. Peter to the window seat with Ned beside them. To their left was MJ with her own seat.

Flash was two seats behind the boys and wouldn't stop insulting Peter. He threw paper balls at him and kept telling him to 'admit his lies' about the internship.

When they finally made it to the Tower they collected their bags and headed inside the Tower.

The lobby was huge with high ceilings and intricate designs on the walls. The security gave them sharpies and tape to put their names on their bags and let the security take the bags to their rooms.

They waited off to the side of the room for their tour guide. Peter new it was Harley and was excited but dreading seeing him. He knew he wouldn't embarrass him too badly. But he would definitely pound some sense into Flash.

"Well howdy Midtown," came the southern drawl from said boy who had come over from the elevator holding a box of name tags.

"My name is Harley Keener and I will be your tour guide and more importantly friend for the next few days." The girls and a few boys were melting at his accent.

"Now I'll hand out your badges and make sure to have them visible at all times and do not lose 'em."

After handing out the badges, Flash had noticed Peter hadn't gotten one.

"Mr. Keener?" Flash put up his hand and had an innocent look on his face. "Parker didn't get a badge."

"It's just Harley. And Peter doesn't need a badge."

"Why not?" Flash had a slightly irritated look on  his face.

"Well he works here of course!" Harley had a big smile on his face and threw an arm over Peter. "He's brilliant! He helps out with all the different departments and makes some pretty great stuff! Now why don't we start out this tour with the Stark Museum?"

He let go of Peter and directed the class to the security scanners.

"Now I'll explain the badges quick before we go through. The level one badges are for guests. Level two is for photographers and reporters. Level three are for new interns and four is for low level interns. Level five is for high interns and six is head interns and level seven is head of departments. Level eight is for medical and security. Nine is for important people outside of the Avengers and ten is for Avengers and a few others."

Peter Parker And The Terrible No Good Very Bad Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now