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When dinner time came around, the prank squad had calmed down enough to be reduced to large smiles and quiet snickers whenever they saw Flash.

The students and team had gathered on the main level for dinner. Flash was still pulling random feathers out of his hair and clothes and no amount of showers would get rid of the pink glitter.

"Sly tells me you had fun today," Loki said with a smirk from beside Peter.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Peter said with an innocent look on his face. Tony, who had previously been talking with Peter, looked at the two with suspicion.

"Kid, what did you do?" he asked in a fatherly tone. Peter looked at him with puppy eyes.

"I didn't do anything."

"Lies!" Tony exclaimed as he looked away. "Put away those devil eyes!"

"They are angel eyes, Man of Iron!" Thor boomed as he walked over. "Tonyson has bonded with my dear nephew!"

Tony looked back at a smiling Peter and sighed. "Who?"

"Flash," Peter said in a happy tone and Tony looked back up with a smirk.

"What did you do?"

"We made him a glittery pink chicken!" Peter exclaimed and Tony, Loki, and Thor all burst out laughing.

"I've taught you so well!" Tony wiped away a fake tear.

"If you don't mind," Harley interjected as he came up behind Peter and grabbed his sides. "But I will be taking my fellow prankster for a moment!"

As Harley led Peter out the door, they could hear Tony shout out a "Keep your hands to yourself! He is a CHILD!" that made the Harley smirk and Peter giggle.

Harley took Peter into Peter's room on the main floor and embraced him in a large hug. Peter snuggled his head into the crook of Harley's neck.

"What's up?" Peter asked as Harley started to run his hands up and down Peter's back.

"I'm not allowed to hug my boyfriend?" Harley asked as he pulled back a little. "I'm not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?" Harley followed with a kiss. "I'm not allowed to love my boyfriend?" Harley asked as he stroked Peter's cheek.

"Of course you are," Peter smiled a cute smile. "But why did we have to do it in private?"

Harley looked at him with complete love in his eyes before sighing and leading him to the bed. They sat down and Harley took both of Peter's hands in his.

"Baby," Harley started. "I don't want you anywhere near Flash okay?"

Peter gave him an adorably confused look. "Why?"

"When Sly was using his magic on Flash to make him do the chicken thing, well- he had a vision."

"Vision?" Peter asked. "What vision?"

Harley had anger in his eyes. "Flash wants to do things to you. Awful things. Sly took me to the side afterwards to tell me but- I worry."

"Harley," Peter started and squeezed Harley's hand. "I'm Spider-Man! I can handle him!"

"I know," Harley smiled softly. "But please? For me?"

Peter couldn't say no to Harley. Not when he had pleaded with him like this. Peter loved him so much.

"Okay," Peter nodded. "I'll stay away from him. I won't leave your side."

Harley cupped Peter's face and gave him a soft kiss. "Thank you," he said before his eyes got brighter. "Let's go party!" he yelled as he grabbed Peter's hips and hauled him over his shoulder.

Peter Parker And The Terrible No Good Very Bad Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now