Swimming Serpents

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They left the lab a few minutes before lunch started up. The students had a whole new respect for Peter. They could see how brilliant he was but he was so humble about it. They loved it.

Upon arriving on the main floor the students and two adults were invited with the smell of Chinese food. They were also greeted with a scene of Thor and Loki fighting while the rest watched bored.

"What's going on?" the students cried as the stayed close to the wall while following Tony out.

"It happens all the time," Tony shrugged. "It's harmless."

"Darlin', why don't you break it up so we can have some lunch?" Harley asked Peter with a small smile and Peter nodded before stepping up.

Peter walked into the living room and in between the two gods. Thor had his hammer swung back and Loki was about to throw a knife when they both just stopped.

Thor gasped as if he had been insulted and put the hammer down. Loki put his knives away and stepped up to Peter. He wrapped his arms around the child before glaring at Stark.

"Son of Stark," Thor gasped. "How could you let him walk up like that? He could have been injured!"

Loki was muttering something about stupid mortals when Peter got out of his grasp and passed Thor with a pat on the arm. He headed to Harley and grabbed his hand to lead him over to the food. The students followed and soon enough the students and Avengers were eating together in the living room.

"Come on Nat!" Clint shouted as he got into a ready position. Natasha stood ten or so feet away from him and started to throw cut up chicken balls into his mouth. Clint caught them all and laughed while Natasha occasionally threw bits up in the air for herself.

Steve and Bucky were squished right next to each other and Sam was on the other side of Steve. They were talking about the military and training.

Thor and Loki were sitting together and were discussing plans for New Asgard and the people. Bruce would sometimes give information based off of what the topic was.

Tony and Pepper had their hands together and were talking about Stark Industries meetings and problems. Pepper laughed as Tony complained about having to build another Starkpad update.

Wanda and Vision were sitting on the same chair with Wanda on Vision's lap. Wanda would make her food float up before catching it with her mouth. Vision just watched her with a smile on his face.

Betty, Cindy, and Sally were gushing about how the couples were all so cute. They also discussed how they shipped certain heroes together. Abe and Charles were discussing all the cool things they'd seen in the lab while Flash tried to say how much cooler he was.

Mj and Ned were sitting on a couch with Peter and Harley. Peter was on Harley's lap (which made the girls coo and gush at them) and Harley wouldn't let Peter feed himself. He would feed Peter bites of his food before taking a bite of his own. Ned and Peter talked about Star Wars while this occurred while MJ just drew in her sketch book. She would shake her had at her boys but she had the smallest hidden smile on her lips.

When everyone was close to done they heard the ding of the elevator and a figure stepped out. MJ immediately shot up and ran to the person and tackling them. Peter was smiling so wide because he had set this all up.

Shuri was laughing and hugging MJ back. When they let go she gave her a quick kiss before leading her to the couch. They sat down and looked at the students.

The students were shocked. The actual princess of Wakanda had just kissed MJ. The Avengers had just simply said hi before going back to their conversations. The students eventually wore off from the shock and went back to their meals. It was just normal now.

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