Zouis - Another Adventure

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“Look, look!” Louis exclaimed, pointing to the blue waters. Zayn looked out to the horizon and saw where dark blue waters met the sky, the sun barley setting, creating an orange glow. The two sat on the edge of a nearly empty pier, the sound of seagulls filling their head with thoughts of summertime.

“Yeah, the sun is going down. It’s beautiful.” Zayn commented, taking a drag from his cigarette. He couldn’t help but admire Louis’ face as he gaze longingly out at the open ocean. His legs dangling from the pier’s edge, he looked like a child who had just seen the ocean for the first time. Zayn wanted to be close to him, to touch him, to move his light brown fringe from his eyes, to hold his hand loosely, to feel the way his body moves, to kiss his soft lips, to-

“Let’s go!” Louis said suddenly, getting up and pulling Zayn along with him. Zayn took one last drag from his cigarette and threw it on the ground before stepping on it, “And where’s that?”

Louis just gave him a cheeky smile before taking off down the pier. Zayn just rolled his eyes before starting a light jog behind him. He liked to enjoy life, mostly admiring his boyfriend make a fool of himself.

Louis screamed, hollering as he ran with outstretched arms. The wind was flowing his hair back, bouncing with each step.

“Hurry, Zayn!” Louis screamed back at him, uncaring for the other couple who smiled at them as they ran past, “It’s getting dark!”

Zayn just pushed his legs father down the wooden path, all the way to the sand. At first, he thought Louis was headed back for their car, towards another adventure, but he had other ideas. He made a turn, running through the sand right towards the water.

“Louis, are you sure this is a good idea?” Zayn laughed as Louis threw off his shirt with ease.

Louis just laughed, “My ideas are never good.”

Zayn smiled at his wonderful boyfriend before he too pulled off his shirt, throwing it in the empty sand next to Louis’ shirt.

The two carried on towards the water, singing a song they didn’t know the name of, laughing and not a single care in the world. Louis didn’t hesitate as he flung himself into the water, coming up shortly for air. His pants were completely soaked, but he didn’t care.

Zayn smiled before putting his feet where the water met sand, enjoying the feeling of sand get washed through his toes. Suddenly, two strong arms pulled Zayn out and into the water, dunking his head beneath the surface.

“Louis!” He scolded softly, shoving Louis who threw his head back in laugher.

“Not so bad, eh?” He joked, coming nearer to Zayn, wrapping his wet arms around Zayn’s neck. He pressed their bodies to each other, just to feel warm skin on theirs.

“Not bad at all.” Zayn whispered before bringing his lips down to reach Louis’, loving and being loved all over again. 

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