Ziall - You're Late

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Hello! Long overdue!!! Hope you like this, and if you do, please vote and comment! :)

This is dedicated to Lover19 because of her lovely request! (sorry it ook so long!) but i hope you like it! :))

Ziall – You’re Late

Two hours. 

It couldn’t have been that long, but Zayn triple checked the time. 3am. He was right. Niall was two hours late. Zayn shouldn’t have let Niall go to the bar alone. He shouldn’t have listened to Niall beg to go and party this late. What if something bad happened to him? How could Zayn ever forgive himself if Niall was lying dead somewhere?

The other three boys were sleeping in Harry’s flat a few floors down, but Zayn stayed awake in he and Niall’s flat. His eyes were heavy from lack of sleep, but he couldn’t sleep until Niall was safe and home.

Why did he care this much for his band mate? He shouldn’t, but he does. Louis even told him to just go to sleep, and that Niall will be fine. ‘Don’t worry, Zayn! He’ll be fine!’ Yeah, right. He wouldn’t believe that until he saw Niall with his own eyes; until he could hold him in his arms once again.

The door to the flat wiggled, causing Zayn to jump up, standing and staring at the door with anxiety. What if Niall was hurt? What if it was a bearer of bad news?

Niall walked through the door, humming loudly to himself, loosing his balance and he turned to close the door.

Niall was drunk.

And suddenly, Zayn was angry.

Why did Niall come home so late? Did he not respond to Zayn’s calls because he wanted to party and get drunk? Was that Niall’s way of saying thank you to Zayn for staying up for hours waiting for a call or a text or waiting until he got home. No. That was his way of saying, ‘Fuck you Zayn, and everything you’ve done for me!’. And that made Zayn livid.

“Where were you, Niall?” Zayn asked, his voice shaking with anger. He knew the answer, he just wanted Niall to know that Zayn was awake. He wanted Niall to know what Zayn had done for him.

Niall jumped slightly at Zayn’s voice cutting through the silence. He turned to Zayn, a lose grin slapped on his face. His aviators hung low on his nose, as if he didn’t realize they were falling off.

“Zayn!” He cheered, throwing his hands up. “You’re up! Wanna make sandwiches? I’m a bit hungry.” He giggled, turning towards the kitchen.

“Where. Were. You.” Zayn asked again, his voice raising. Niall seem to understand through his  alcohol fogged brain, scrunching up his nose in confusion.

“Zayn, I was just at the bar downstairs. I just got home man, relax.” Niall put his arms out like an airplane, slowly moving around the kitchen, leaning in his turns.

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