Ziall - On Rainy Days

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“Zayn?” Niall questioned after a long comfortable silence. They were lying in bed, their limbs intertwining perfectly. It was a cold winters day, and the three blankets wrapped around the pair of them didn’t seem like enough, but the heat from each other’s bodies were perfect. 

“Yeah?” Zayn whispered, enjoying the sound of rain hitting the window. It was like they were playing music, all at different tempos and ranges of sound. Even though it sounds like an orchestra gone wrong, Zayn loved the sound of it.

“I’m glad we both gave this a chance.” he said quietly, talking about the way they acted on their feelings seven months ago, kissing each other in the privacy of a hotel room on tour. The boys didn’t know. They didn’t know that every time they got a chance, Zayn and Niall would sneak off, experimenting with the feelings that seemed to grow stronger and stronger everyday. 

“A lot has changed since then.” Zayn commented, thinking back to the time he used to gaze longingly at Niall, him never knowing that Niall was stealing glances right back. 

“Do you think we changed?” 

Zayn really had to think about that one. They were now more open to new ideas, such as dating another guy, even if it was behind closed doors. Not even the other boys knew, which made their relationship tense, but exciting. Sometimes Zayn felt contained, yearning to break the chains of secrecy, but he couldn’t. He had the other boys to think about. Their career would tumble if there was two gay members in the band. So sometimes, Zayn was quieter than usual, keeping from spilling the secrets of him and Niall that were just waiting to burst from his mouth.

“No.” Zayn lied. This was the first time he had ever lied to Niall. He just couldn’t look the innocent lad in the eye and tell him that he was depressed over something that can never be changed.

“I think we are the same too.” His voice was strained, and Zayn could tell that he was lying as well. Was he feeling just as hopeless as Zayn was? He couldn’t ask. He didn’t want the conversation to be brought up. He just wanted to enjoy the feeling of the smaller lad in his arms. He wanted to enjoy the feeling that he was the only one in the world who could protect him.

It was quiet for a long moment, as the rain softly hit the window. Zayn could see the rain falling as the moonlight lit the view. It was beautiful, but as cliché as it sounded, Niall was even more beautiful.  

Niall had his head resting on Zayn’s chest, his eyes drooping from exhaustion, but trying desperately to stay awake to relish lying in Zayn’s arms. Zayn had his arm wrapped securely around Niall, the tips of his fingertips running lightly over the warm skin on his back. Niall wrapped his defined arms around Zayn’s torso, holding onto to him as if he didn’t have another moment like this. 

“Have you ever wanted to stay in one moment forever? Just to continue a single moment for the rest of your life?” Niall was so quiet, it was almost difficult to hear over the calming rain. 

“Sometimes. Sometimes I just want to feel something forever, like I should never let it go.” He looked down at Niall who had his head resting on Zayn’s tanned chest. Zayn leaned in, and kissed the top of his hair soothingly, rubbing small circles on his bare back. 

It was quiet and they laid there, relishing in the feeling of each other close to them, hearing their breath, feeling their heartbeat, and feeling the warmth of their skin against the bitter cold of winter air. 

“Do you want to let me go?” Niall asked so quietly, Zayn strained to hear him. By reflex of his words, Zayn pulled Niall closer to him, rubbing up and down his back.

“Of course I dont! You are the one thing in my life that is stable, and good to me. I need you around and, God, I hope you need me too.”

Niall slowly squeeze his torso, until he finally felt close enough to Zayn. “I need you too, Zayn.” he whispered against his chest. “I didn’t realize how much I needed you until now.” 

They were silent for a while, just listening to the sound of rain hitting the window. 

Sometimes, there wasn’t any words to say. Sometimes, like this moment, all they needed was the sound of their heartbeat. All they needed was their warm skin against their own. All they needed was the reminder that they had each other, and nobody could take that away.

So as they lay on the bed, listening to the sound of rain, they were comfortable. Laying on the bed, stealing soft kisses, they were in love. In love with the idea of the perfect couple or in love with each other they didn’t know nor care. 

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