Larry - You're Worth Remembering

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tbh i have no idea what i just wrote and it was supossed to be something completely different and idek how it ended up like this and it took my like ten minutes so dont expect anything extravegant 

Louis stood near the food table. His mom had dragged him to a buisness party 30 minutes away, just so she could 'show off her wonderful son'. Louis knew that all she wanted was a bit of company in case things were awkward in her favor. In a matter of three minutes, Louis was abandoned, as his mom had found a close friend named Anne or Annie or something. So now, Louis akwwardly munched on the cubed veggies as all of the adults chatted amungst themselves. 

There was one boy around his age at the party. He had a head of curly hair that was pulled back into a bandana that looked suspiciously like the sleeve of a flannel. His eyes were a bright green, despite having darker hair, and his skin was tanned to a perfect golden brown. He sat in the corner, with an expensive camera in his hands, snapping a photo of the food or of the people around him ocassionally. Louis had been watching him, going back and forth to whether or not he hould introduce himself and maybe they could awkwardly sit next to each other so they wouldn't be alone. 

Quickly making up his mind, Louis swallowed the mouthful of celery he had shoved in his mouth, and went over to the far corner where the boy with the curly hair sat. 

Just as he made his way up to the boy, a million different conversation starters buzzing in his brain, the boy startled his as he snapped a picture of the older boy. He looked up at Louis with a bit of a lopsided smirk, "Opps." He shrugged, his eyes shinning. 

"Hi." Louis started awkwardly, everything that he had planned to say left him. The boy looked up at him, waiting for Louis to say something. When he opened and closed his mouth likea fish, the curly haired boy smirked again, and patted the ground next to him.

Louis swipped his fringe out of his eyes and sat down, noticing how nervous he was. He really needed to get his head into the game and start some kind of conversation with the boy. Maybe ask him how old he was, or if he went to school. Is he majoring in photography? Does he have a job? How is his family doing? Does he have any brothers or sisters? 

But before he could ask any of these, the boy started, "See that lady over there?" He pointed to a woman sitting at the table, talking amungst her friends with a bright smile, laughing at something the blonde on the other end had said.

Louis nodded, unsure of where the conversation was going. The boy snapped a picture of her in mid-laugh, her eyes shinning, and Louis had to admit that the boy had perfect timing.

"She and that blonde hate each other." He continued, pointing at the blonde she was just talking with. 

Louis pulled his brows together in confusion. "They were just talking!" He protested, bringing his voice lower so none of the other adults in the room could hear their conversation. "See, look! They're laughing with each other!"

The boy smiled, capturing yet another great picture of the blonde, hiding her laugh in her hands. "Twenty minutes ago, the blonde had argued that her high shcool student was better. They didn't talk for a few minutes, the brunette slyly brought up her child, practically putting him on a pedistool. See, look," He pointed to the brunette who flipped her hair over her should determindly, talking about something she was very proud of, and shot a meaingful look to the blonde. "She just boasted about him again." And sure enough, the blonde's hand gripped ar her cup a little too feircly, putting on an awful fake smile.

Louis looked at the boy sitting next to him. "You're a people person, aren't you?"

He shrugged, and began to look through the pictures of his camera. "I guess. If you were to describe a people person as someone who'd much rather watch people than be involved." He stopped on the picture of Louis when he walked up, and admired it. 

Louis swalled the lump in his throat as the boy just stared at the picture of the older boy, "I guess you could say that I have that same problem." 

"You're quite beautiful, did you know?" He started suddenly, looking up from his camera to the boy with blue eyes. 

Louis' eyes widened, and his stomach flipped. He opened his mouth to awkwardly respond, but the boy beat him to it. "Would you mind if I took another picture of you?" His eyes were bright and innocent, and there was no regret to his words.

Finally, Louis managed to get control of himself, and he smirked, "What are you going to use the pictures for, hm?"

The boy didn't even bat an eye before saying, "Need something to remember you by."

Louis faltered, smile falling a bit, before recomposing himself, "Am I not memorable enough for you?" He said cheekily. 

The boy shook his head, "I won't remember any of this in an hour or so."

Louis frowned. "What? Why not?"

The boy bit his lip, "Short-term memory loss." He smiled sadly. "Got into an accident a few years ago and sometimes my brain won't remember things that happened recently. It's why I take so many pictures. I take as many pictures as I can, and look over them every night and try to memorize the places and events and people that I don't remember. Sometimes I remember the memory of it, and sometimes I just remember the picture. Even worse, sometimes I see pictures that I've seen a million times and it's completely new to me. So, without pictures, I might not remember you."

Millions of thoughts ran through Louis' head. He wasn't a scientist or a psychologist, so he couldn't tell if the boy was lying or not. But looking at the big bright eyes, and the worried expression, he could tell right away, that this boy was telling nothing but the truth. 

"Maybe that's good." Louis mummbled without thinking of his words. "I'm not something to remember."

The boy bit his lip, shaking his head and looked at Louis with an unreadable expression. "You're worth remembering."

Louis gave the boy a shy smile, and after a few moments, nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll take another picture." He practically whispered, and the boy turned the camera around to take a picture of himself and Louis. They wore bright smiles and eyes were shining, and they were so close that Louis could feel the boys' heat radiating off his shirt. 

"I'm Harry." He said, giving Louis a silly grin.

"Louis." He smiled right back, feeling like he was on top of the world with this beautiful boy sitting right next to him.

Harry bit his lip, looking over Louis' face like he was trying desperatly to remember his face, and thinking about it, he probably was. "Fuck, I want to remember you." 

Louis felt a sting of pity, and suddenly, he wanted this stranger to remember him too. "I guess I'm just going to have to stick around until you do."

And Harry's grin was so wide, that Louis decided it wasn't half bad to spend time with the beautiful boy.  


sorry again

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