Zarry - Jealousy

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(((Sorry it's short)))

Zayn and Harry sat in the car at a red light, touching their fingertips lightly, just knowing that the other is near was good enough.

"So what did you say to Louis earlier?" Zayn casually brought up, referring back to when they were onstage, and Harry whispered into something into Louis ear. The light turned green and Harry sped off, trying to ignore the subject, but it lingered in the air.

Zayn stared hard at the side of Harry's face until the curly haired lad spoke up, "It was nothing."

Zayn brought his hand to his lap, leaving Harry's hand feel lonely without his presence. "Seriously, Harry. What the fuck did you guys say?"

Harry was taken aback. He never knew how jealous Zayn could be. He glanced over, to see Zayn looking at the dashboard, his eyes filled with tears threatening to overflow.

"Zayn, you can't seriously think I would cheat on you with Louis, right?" He said, suddenly trying to protect both Louis and himself. He didn't want to be suspected of anything that he didn't do.

"Just answer the fucking question!" Zayn threw up his hands angrily.

"Nothing happened Zayn! We didn't say anything!" Harry was suddenly angry, and pulled up to their apartment complex.

"We'll you obviously said something, or then you were having a fucking good time licking his ear!"

Harry groaned and rested his head o the steering wheel. "Zayn-"

"I'm so tired of you covering up this shit with lies." Zayn said unbuckling his seat belt and flinging the door open. "I don't want to talk to you again." He spat angrily in Harry's direction before slamming the door shut and storming into the building.

Harry sat in shock before beating his steering wheel angrily. How could he lose Zayn? He didn't do anything!

Fearing more pain would come to him if he went inside, Harry slept in the car that night.


*Two Months Later*

Zayn took another sip of his beer as bodies danced around him. He came here attempting to remove Harry from his thoughts, but no matter how much alcohol he consumed, that beautiful face would never leave. Of course, Zayn was bitter and angry, but he couldn't help but think of all their loving and good times together, when he sat awake late at night.

"Sorry," He mumbled to some girl who practically fell on him, her mind fogged with a spiked drink, no doubt.

He climbed the stairs, egging to get out of the crowd. He came here thinking that this would ease his thoughts away from the one person who could make him happy.

He set his beer down on the bedside table of a room he wandered in. Thankfully, it was emptied of horny couples.

"Zayn." Said a husky voice, Zayn was all too familiar with. He heard the door close behind the new guest.

"I don't want to talk, Harry." Zayn said, turning around to face the opposite wall. He knew that if he looked into Harry's pleasing eyes, that he would break straight away. He needed to win this for himself.

Suddenly, Zayn felt warm hands grip his hips, pulling him closer to a toned chest. "Fine. We don't have to talk." Harry said against the skin on Zayn's neck. He pressed multiple kisses along the skin until biting down and sucking on Zayn's sweet spot just below the ear.

Zayn shoved Harry off, but instead shoved him against a wall before kissed up and down his neck. Harry moaned loudly at the contact, making Zayn smirk.

"I'm I forgiven?" Harry asked, his voice shaking with lust and desperation. He gripped Zayn's hips and brought them down on his own, rubbing their erections and moaning at the friction it caused.

"We'll see." Zayn replied huskily against the base of Harry's neck.

Harry didn't have time to shiver before he was thrown onto the unknown bed and above him, was a beautifully tanned angel, looking lustfully at the man sprawled out beneath him.

"I'll make you feel good." Zayn whispered in Harry's ear just before taking Harry to another world.

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