Larry - More Than This

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More Than This

Louis' POV

I stared out across the stage at Harry, who was shoulder bumping to the music while Liam sang one of his solos. I always found Harry cute, but when he danced like that, is was pure sexy.

Okay, well you might have figured out that by now, that I had a small crush on the one called Harry Styles. Yes, Harry happened to be my best friend, which was amazing, but also made things very difficult. He had already put me in the 'Friend Zone', and he would never like me. It felt weird thinking like that about another man. I mean, I'm not gay, nor do I find men attractive, but there was just something about Harry that changed my mind.

We all sang and jumped in while the chorus rang out, but my eyes always drifted back to Harry.

I wanted to run my fingers through his curls again. I wonder what it would feel like if I kissed him. Maybe I could run my hands through his hair while we snogged. I wonder what his hands would feel like running down my chest. If I were straddling him, it would be easier to touch his own chest. If I were straddling him, our... Willies... would be close, maybe even touching. What would it feel like if he touched me like that? Would it feel the same as when a girl touched me or would it feel... Better.

My pants tightened, taking me from my thoughts. What the hell was I thinking about? I was just thinking dirty things about my best mate! You can't think like that! But the fact that I got a hard-on just thinking about Harry sent a wave of desire down my spine. What the hell! Why couldn't I fall for a girl, not my band mate!

I frowned as we finished the song. I didn't want to think about my best mate like that, but I couldn't help it. It was like he was invading my mind, and... It felt good to think about him. He made me happy, and laugh when I was sad. He also made me feel wanted, as no other mate had done before.

Harry suddenly caught my eye, and I looked over at him from across the stage. He noticed my frown and gave me a questioning look. I shook my head ever so slightly. He didn't need to know about my on going love for him. Nobody needed to know. It was my problem that I needed to fix, but the thought of 'fixing it' made my heart break.

"I'm broken, do you hear me? I'm blinded because you are everything I see." Liam sang as me and Harry's eyes remained connected, trying to figure out each other's thoughts. Why hasn't he looked away? He looked concerned for me, but why would he be? I've never been better... I think.

"I'm dancing, alone. I'm praying that your heart just turn around. And as I walk up to your door, my head turned to face the floor, cuz I can't look you in the eyes and say..." Harry stood and walked to the center on the stage, holding his torso when he uses the power in his voice. I wished I could hold that torso of his right now...

"When he opens his arms and hold you close to night, it just don't feel right. Cuz I can love you more than Stan." I did a double take. Stan? Why did he change the lyrics to Stan?

"When he lays you down, I might just die inside. Cuz I can love you more than Stan... Can love you more than this..." was I imaging things? Did he really sing Stan? I could help but blush at the thought of him loving me. Was this a joke?

The whole song, Harry kept looking at me. He was looking at me, as if he was singing the song to me... I couldn't help but give him a small smile back. He couldn't be meaning what I think... Right? Harry was straight. I never thought of the possibility of him liking me, until that moment, which made me feel on top of the world.

Finally, it was my solo. I could say something which will let him know that I liked him too, if he was listening. Quickly, I thought of all our memories, and one stood out in particular. "And then I see you on the street, in his arms I get weak! My body fails I'm on my skis praying!" I sang, thinking about the ski trip Harry and I took over a year ago, just after we first formed.

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