Niam - Give Me Love

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Niam - Give Me Love

Liam’s POV

I opened Niall’s hotel door and peered in, careful not to spill the soup that I made with the microwave in my room. I could see Niall laying in bed, his sleeping form was wrapped in countless blankets we rounded up from all five hotel rooms. I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face as I saw him sleep, with his mouth hung open and deep breaths echoing in the room. 

Upon closer inspection, you could see how his eyebrows were furrowed together as if he were uncomfortable, and how he was slightly shivering although he was shiny with sweat.

“Liam,” Harry’s voice startled me back from my gaze. I whipped my head around to see that Harry was sitting at the table, staring at me with confusion. How had I not noticed him before? He was in plain sight, yet all I saw was Niall. Weird.

“Just leave the soup here,” Harry suggested, pointing to the table. “I’ll give it to him later.”

For some reason, the image of Harry spoon feeding little vulnerable Niall, gave me an uneasy feeling. I didn’t want him to help Niall. I wanted to help Niall, and for some reason I wasn’t sure of, anger towards Harry rolled through me. He had no right to suggest that.

“I’m fine.” I said, working hard to unclench my jaw. “Go to sleep, I’ll take care of him.” Was that a protective tone in my voice? I didn’t pay much attention. I could still feel the anger pulsing in my blood.

Harry looked from Niall to me. His face almost looked… Undecided? What was he confused about? Nothing. I told him to go to sleep, there was nothing confusing about that. Was he concerned? About what? Concerned that Niall was okay? Well why the hell wouldn’t he be okay with me? I would take better care of him then Harry would, and he should know that.

“Go to sleep, Harry.” I said impatiently, standing my ground. Niall’s deep breathing slowed for a moment just before he whimpered ever so slightly. Harry didn’t seem to hear Niall, because he stood, eyeing me carefully before heading for the door with a mumbled ‘goodnight’. 

I didn’t move until I heard the door click shut. I set the soup on the table before swiftly making my way over to the bed. I didn’t hesitant to sit on the edge of the bed, and look down at Niall with worried eyes. 

He’s worse than I last saw him two hours ago. His brows were still fused together as if from pain, sweat lining his forehead. I lent over him to grab the damp cloth from the bedside table. I dabbed his forehead with the cloth and used my other hand to wipe his wet hair from his forehead. I continued these motions over and over again, completely mesmerized. He seemed to have grow into a man in the past two years. His facial features were much more defined, his nose pointing perfectly over his thin lips. That’s not what kept my gaze on him, though. His lips and skin were pale, as if he spent his whole life away from the sun. His hands were restless as they balled into fists over and over again. Light whimpers escaped his mouth every once in a while, causing my heart to break in two. I’ve never felt so helpless in all of my life. Just watching him in pain was enough to cause me pain as well.

“Shh, Niall it’s okay.” I whispered to him, unsure of how to sooth his pain. His face seemed to be cooler because of the cold washcloth, but it was still contorted in pain.

I kept whispering things to him, in an attempt to get him to relax. Nothing I said or did seemed to help. His fists still gripped the sheets, as he was still uncomfortable in his sleep. 

I should never have let him out in the rain. Louis convinced Niall to go out into the rain yesterday and now he’s suck with the flu.  How stupid of an idea! Looking back I should have gave him my jacket. I should have made him stay inside with me while we watched old movies, and sipped hot chocolate. 

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