Zouis - State Of Dreaming (Epilogue)

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And here my favortie thing ive ever written comes to an end

please commetn and vote i cant tell you how much little things like that mean to me

Louis' POV

"There's no snacks here!" Liam complained, closing the fridge dramtically. "How are we supossed to work and save lives on an empty stomach!" He threw his hands up dramtically as he slumped into the recliner next to mine. 

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to stare at the screen, watching the opening credits to a movie on Netflix that I had never heard before. Liam, Andy, Stan and I were the only ones in the firestation that night. Unfortunatley, we had the night shift so i couldn't go home to my empty flat and watch the same movie on Netflix with with a giant pizza of some sort. But at least when i was working I had some company in the firehouse. 

Stan was reading a book on the couch to my right, and Liam was pouting about being hungry in the recliner to my left. Andy was taking a nap in the back, which was very against the rules, but that dude never got any sleep with his second job, so we usually just woke him when we had a call. We hadn't had a call in a few days, so I wasn't expecting much action tonight. 

"Should we order a pizza?" I questioned after hearing my stomach growl. 

Liam rolled his eyes, "What pizza place is open at..." He checked his watch, "Ten at night?"

Before i could respond, a loud alarm rang throughout the house. The three of us jumped up, Stan running back to make sure that Andy was awake, although I doubt he'd be able to sleep through the alarm. 

Liam and I ran to the garage, Liam reading out the response, "Not a fire. They need medical assistance." I sighed in relief. I didn't want to bother with my heavy uniform. Liam and I checked the truck quickly making sure that everything was inside, before jumping inside quickly followed by Andy and Stan.

"All in?" I asked from the drivers seat and slipping on my headset. I heard three comfirmations in my ear, before I opened the garage door, started the alarm, and followed Liam's instructions to the location. 

We arrived in no less than five minutes. The firehouse must not have been too far away. My flat was just a few blocks away as well. I parked in front of the apartment building, shutting off the alarm and taking off my headset as the other three quickly jumped out with all of the general equipment for this type of call. Liam said it was an overdose on some sleeping medication. 

"Third floor." Liam mummbled to the three of us as we jogged to the stairs, Stan staying behind just enough to tell the receptionist what was happening. 

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