Narry - One Time Thing

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Harry's pov

It wasn't hipster or anything like that, when I found myself sipping tea in a very quiet coffee shop. It was just a long day at uni, and as I was walking back to my flat, I noticed a very quiet hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, that just so happened to sell coffee, which was just something that I happened to be craving. 

H, you are too hipster for your own good 

-lou xx

I bit my lip, the urge the throw my phone at the wall was growing. I was not a hipster. I just happened to like sitting in an unpopulated coffee shop and read. 

And when the lady behind the counter knew my order by heart, i pretended that this wasn't a daily thing. The young woman hunched over a laptop in the corner was a daily thing. The couple who held each other's hands over the table while they read was a daily thing. The lady, named Daisy, and the man, Dan, both working behind the counter, was a daily thing. 

So it threw me off completely, when I saw the blonde boy walk into the shop. 

I threw my gaze back at my book, no longer reading the words on the page. From the corner of my eye, I watched him walk up to Daisy, looking very confused, amd stumbling over his words as he struggled on what to order. 

His voice was so quiet, that even in the near silent shop, was only a murmur to me. I pursed my lips. I wondered why I was so aware  of this boy or why I cared so much to what he was ordering, but he had already gave Daisy the money and he was soon passed a blueberry muffin and a water bottle. 

It was weird to me, that this blonde lad would come to an unpopular coffee shop just to get a muffin and water. But looking at his football jumper, slanted snapback, baggy jeans and white trainers, I could instantly tell that this was a one time thing. He just needed to get a small snack and a drink of water before his next class, then would skip happily, becuase all frat boys like him were always happy, out and on his merry little way.

I really believed that to be true, until he sat down at one of the many deserted tables, and began to nibble at his muffin, scrolling down his phone. 

I glanced down at my camera in the chair next to me. Being a photography major, i usually carry my camera, just so i wouldn't have to walk back to my flat, from class to class. Normally, I would keep in the case, worried that I would damage the very very expensive thing that may or may not have taken half my bank allowance. But today, right now, I had this urge to pull it out and take a picture of the beautiful lad, sitting with his muffin.

I kept my gaze to my book, ocassionally sneaking a glance when I figured it was safe. He never looked up from his phone long enough to examine the well decorated shop. He didn't look up to notice me sitting two tables away, gawking at him from behind my book. 

It was about 20 minutes, and the lad's eyes never left his phone. The couple threw away their empty cups and left silently, stealing a kiss just before they walked through the door. It was a daily thing.

I looked back to the lad who began standing up, and my heart stopped. I wasn't done staring. I hadn't even gotten the courage to talk to him, and he's alreayd leaving and this stop was a one time thing.

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