Part 2

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       Brighteye ran, holding her woven basket of daisies and other types of flowers while Amazon ran alongside her, his head beet red and his front talons had splashes of orange and yellow. The path stopped, the trees getting larger and stronger as they progressed. There were rainwings everywhere, of all colors. "Come on, Amazon!" Brighteye said as she paused to let an old grey and pink rainwing walk by.

       "We'll just interrupt her-" Amazon started as Brighteye burst into the sky, her dark purple wings clashing with the bright green scenery. Amazon growled softly, baring his fangs. Brighteye paused midair, motioning for Amazon to hurry up.

        Amazon spread his wings slowly, then bursting into the sky with impressive speed, all of his scales turning to a sky blue as the sun spread across his scales. Brighteye flew above the trees, the distant palace seemed to be very busy. Rainwings and a few nightwings were all over. "See?" Amazon growled, rolling his eyes as his wings turned a bright shades of orange  and red "Queen Glory is busy.". 

     Brighteye rolled her eyes as a smile spread across her face, "Well we didn't gather flowers for nothing.". "You didn't gather flowers for nothing. I had nothing to do with this." Amazon rolled his eyes, his scales turning to dark orange with flecks of red down his spine and on his wings. 

   "Well, we are going."

"You mean, you're going, i'm not getting in trouble again for your crazy ideas."

"Just this one time!"


   Brighteye dove into the trees, holding the basket full of flowers close to her chest. Amazon dove after her, turning to his usual shade of green with purple spots trailing down his back and on his snout and eyes. There were alot of dragons walking out of the palace-like treehouse. 

   Brighteye sighed as she walked into the palace with an angry Amazon by her side. There were a few rainwings waiting to see the queen. Amazon glanced around and then scowled, glaring at the ground. 

   The line cleared up quickly, as it was about to be the prime time for sun-time. Amazon stepped backward, stretching his wings and front legs as he yawned. Brighteye stepped into the throne room where Glory sat with Deathbringer next to her. 

  Amazon followed, turning a light brown that almost matched with the flooring of the treehouse, with a lavender head and bright blue eyes.  "uhhm," Brighteye stammered, "We got you flowers..! Since, the palace looked busy..". Amazon shook his head, his wings turning dark red, then returning to brown. "We just decided to get you flowers to brighten your day." Amazon said with a straight face. 

   Glory nodded, a small smile coming onto her annoyed snout. Brighteye handed the basket of flowers to Glory. Amazon bowed, glancing at Bright. "Thank you for the.. flowers." Glory said with a straight face, glancing at Deathbringer. Brighteye walked out of the palace, followed by Amazon.

    oml this isn't even considered a cliffhanger at this point ◉_◉

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