Part 3

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    "Since when did you actually care about this going smoothly???" Brighteye exclaimed, staring at Amazon with awestruck eyes. "You were just being so stupid. It was making my brain melt just watching you." Amazon growled as he continued walking, "It's only a few minutes until suntime, i'll catch you later.". Amazon yawned, stretching his wings as he shot into the sky, catching a branch with his dark green tail, then swinging himself onto the top of a tall-ish tree. 

     Brighteye sighed as she looked both ways, then she flung herself into the sky, flying back towards her small hut. Her wings skimmed the tops of the trees where a few rainwings were gathering. The trees were getting a bit more crazy, it was almost impossible to dodge all of the vines. Brighteye dove, tucking in her wings as a small village with small huts made of spare pieces of wood were. 

      Brighteye landed right next to the largest building, that was labeled in scratchy letters in blue berry juice, sChoOl. A pitch black nightwing appeared next to her, her soft charcoal grey wings by her side. "Your late." They growled, stepping towards Brighteye. "Look, Skysoarer... I... Uhhhhh..." Brighteye stammered holding her front talons up in an innocent gesture.

    "Were you hanging out with that rainwing again?" Skysoarer said as if each word were a tooth being pulled out. "At least Im going to attend school!" Brighteye started as Skysoarer grabbed her snout, closing her mouth, and pulling Brighteye into the shadows. There was a large charcoal nightwing walking down the dirt road that ran through the small and scrawny village. He had scars everywhere, there was one on his left foot, causing him to limp. there were scars on his upper lip, though they looked like they were from someone much younger than Brighteye.

    The large and muscular nightwing looked both ways, growling softly. "ACK!" exclaimed a nearby dragonet as they bumped into him, they looked like they were almost 2 years old. "Oh!" They said, their dark blue wings spread in an odd position, there was a parasite growing on their left eyelid, forcing them to close their eye. The large nightwing picked them up by their neck, is he their dad?

     The nightwing threw the dragonet into a nearby building. As the dragonet's limp body slid down the wall of the building, it collapsed. "What have you done?!" Yelled another nightwing, frozen in fear. "MNBFDVMJDFBHJVMFBGJFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Brighteye attempted to yell, thrashing as Skysoarer pulled her even deeper into the shadows. The charcoal nightwing snapped his head over to the struggling Brighteye.

    The charcoal nightwing swiped his talon at where the noise came from as Skysoarer pulled Brighteye into a roll behind the school building. "Shhhh," Skysoarer whispered, her huge wings trembling in fear. "MmmmmGFHGFmmmM" Brighteye said, a chill running down her spine, like long and sharp icewing claws. Skysoarer let go of Brighteye's snout as she sat up and whispered, "Go to school, you'll be dead by tomorrow if you are absent.". 

   Brighteye shivered as she peeked around the corner, the nightwing was flying away. Bright ran into the school, her eyes wide with fear, even though the nightwing had left. "Brighteye! Did you see that nightwing and what happened to that dragonet?!" Treasurekeeper said, taking out her large ruby earring only to put it back in. "Where's Darkfighter?" Brighteye asked, did the big nightwing get her? Brighteye asked, pointing to where the teacher usually stood. "She hasn't arrived yet," another classmate said, Wait, wasn't their name Stoneclaws or something? Brighteye sat down, glancing at the scared nightwings in her village, where could Darkfighter be?

Is this a good cliffhanger? I have no clue-


i think this is actually a good cliffhanger

you heard nothing

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