Part 11

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            Brighteye let out a sigh, watching as Skysoarer and Megalodon chatted. 

           "Well, what do you plan on doing after defeating Glory?" Megalodon asked, letting out a yawn that sounded more like a cry of pain.

       "I guess I can trust you with my plan," Skysoarer said with a sly smirk.

     Brighteye sat up, her eyes widening, now this sounded interesting. 

       "I'm going to start out by casting a spell on the other nightwings to trust me and be COMPLETELY loyal to me. Then, i'll get them to move back here. I'll frame Deathbringer for murdering Megalodon even though your immortal- you'll just have to act dead. Then-" Skysoarer said dryly only to be interrupted by Brighteye.

      "But enchanting others to do what you want is wrong!" Brighteye protested, standing up and flicking her black tongue in and out.

       "Let me continue." Skysoarer snarled, revealing sharp pearly white teeth that fit perfectly in her mouth.

          "Then Deathbringer will be imprisoned and i'll let word get out about us executing him at a party. Glory will be tempted to come and rescue him since they are clearly in love. I will enchant Glory to come and try to rescue him, only for her to be murdered. It's the perfect plan!" Skysoarer let out a laugh after she finished speaking.

       It felt like Brighteye's stomach and plunged to the tip of her tail and her heart was flung to her throat. Brighteye's eyes widened, why was she even teaming with Skysoarer? 

              "Skysoarer, why are you doing this?" Brighteye asked, looking at Skysoarer's cold eyes. 

                                 "I'm doing this because it's what we deserve. And I deserve to be the new Queen." Skysoarer said, leaning back and stretching her wings out halfway, "And if you disagree I could EASILY kill you. Your just a pawn."

                               "Hm, well I agree with Skysoarer, from what i've heard this Queen Glory sounds cruel!" Megalodon said, standing up and walking out of the room, "I'll leave you guys some alone time, to... Figure things out.".

                  "Hm, I guess i'll go too.. I need to start building our new kingdom!" Skysoarer said as she walked out of the cave after glaring at Brighteye.

                          Brighteye laid down, resting her chin on her talons. Maybe Skysoarer was just doing this because she was going through something, No, that couldn't be it. Friends tell eachother everything! Friends dont abandon eachother only tobuild a new paradise for your tribe! Brighteye closed her eyes forcefully, covering her face with her wings. Skysoarer was the reason so many things have happened, why Amazon had abandoned her for Glory. Brighteye's eyelids were staring to get heavy and she found herself stuck inside a deep sleep very soon.


        "Brighteyeeeeeeee! Wake up!" A scratchy voice said as Brighteye's eyes peeled open. 

         Megalodon peered down at Brighteye with wide eyes, "Moooooooorning!" he said.

                     Brighteye sat up and yawned. What? Hadn't she gone to sleep in that cave where Skysoarer teleported us to to hide from Megalodon? Brighteye was now sitting in a marble room with a fur carpet that was a blinding white. She was on a chair that was the coziest thing she had ever touched- other than that weird moss she found with Amazon when she was only two. in front of Brighteye was a HUGE bed near the diamond-encrusted door. It had pink fabric and blankets adorned all over it and semi-translucent purple silk draped off the top and touching the clean white floor.

                         "What is this place?" Brighteye asked, standing up and looking at Megalodon warily.

              "Oh! Skysoarer remade the volcolcanic island into a HUGEEEEEE city! Everything is super fancy, and the volcano is still there but she enchanted it to never erupt again! Pretty cool, right?" Megalodon said with a huge smile.

                                             Skyosoarer's plan was already in motion.

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