Part 10

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         Brighteye stepped back, breathing heavily. Skysoarer held up her wings and crouched as if she could hide from him.

            "Pleaseeeeeee dont leave yet," the seawing begged, tears starting to form in his eyes. Was this real? The dude Brighteye AND Skysoarer were terrified of was begging them to stay like a kid? Brighteye shook her head, "Why were you in the lava? Was someone torturing you?". The seawing shook his head, sitting up. "My name is Megalodon, and I enchanted myself to be immortal." They said, flicking their tail. Skysoarer sighed, breathing out a plume of flame, making Megalodon jump.

       "I havent seen anyone here for a WHOLE YEARRRRRR" he whined, laying down and dipping his tail into a small lava stream and didnt even flinch.  Brighteye sighed, why was he being so childish? "Well, it's your lucky day because we are going to re-build nightwing civilization! Even if it takes living on this horrid island!" Skysoarer bellowed, leaning forward, her piercing yellow eyes reflected the lava and they seemed to glow.

       Brighteye looked down at her talons, she really didnt like the plan and she had no reason to side with this other then her friend Amazon tried to attack her and her other friend was the one who was helping the most with the plan.

                "Wait!" Brighteye yelped as Skysoarer flicked her tail angrily, "Your an animus! You could create something like that fancy place you brought me to earlier! Or you could make this volcano not active and make the air clean!".

      "Oooo! Your an animus!" the scary seawing exclaimed, jumping up to inspect Skysoarer, "I am too! I could help!"

          Brighteye and Skysoarer leaned forward, "You are?!" they said in unison.

         Megalodon nodded and Brighteye sighed. "I could help with your plan! What do you want me to help with? WAIT! Did I even INTRODUCE MYSELF? Well uhm ikm Megalodon SO DONT THINK IM RUDE I JUST FORGOT!" the seawing exclaimed with a huge smile that looked unnatural for how tortured he looked.

       "How about you cast a spell to make this island hidden from other tribes- including Deathbringer of the nightwings." Skysoarer said with a smug look on her face. 

   Megalodon nodded, grabbing his half-melted crown that had coral that probably used to be pinks and yellows and maybe blue. Now they were a pathetic grey. Megalodon clutched the crown close to his bony chest and started murmuring what Skysoarer told him to do. A blinding white felt like it was being embedded into Brighteye's eyes. 

     Brighteye stepped back and crashed into a large rock as she opened her eyes again. It must have been a side effect of casting the spell. Brighteye inhaled, expecting heavy and intoxicating air, but it was just as fresh as the rainforest! "I also decided to make the air more breathable since it is NOT fun to wake up and inhale to just get that heavy and gross air, its even WORSE than ROTTON EGGS." Megalodon sighed, a smile spreading across his face.

    "So why do you want to live here? I thought the nightwings moved to the rainforest." Megalodon added with a curious expression.

"Well, we did. But we are being led by a stupid RAINWING. NIGHTWINGS ARE THE SUPERIOR STRIBE WE SHOULDNT BE LED BY THOSE STUPID FRUIT-EATERS." Skysoarer declared, raising her fist into the air as if she were started a riot or something.  Megalodon leaned forward, narrowing his eyes.  "What did the rainwings ever do to you? Last I heard they had killed the skywing queen!" Megalodon said, his eyes widening. 

        "Wait, when was that? Like, how long ago?! The rainwings weren't involved in the war AT ALL." Skysoarer asked as Brighteye looked at her talons and inhaled the air that was as fresh as fruit.

      "Hmmm," Megalodon said, "About 300 years ago..?". "WHAT?!" Brighteye yelled, her voice echoing through the large air socket. 

       "How old ARE you?" Skysoarer asked, leaning towards Megalodon eagerly.

    "About 3999 years old, my birthday is coming up next month, though!" Megalodon exclaimed, clasping his talons together happily with a large smile. 

       "I guess your immortal then..?" Brighteye said cautiously.

       "But whatever. What do you have against the current rainwing queen? What did they do? Tell me." Megalodon said without a hint of the happiness his face had held a minute ago.


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