Part 7

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            Skysoarer growled softly as the nightwing sat down and narrowed their eyes. "Listen, I know you don't have to free me," the nightwing said in a sly tone " Buuuuut, I would really appreciate it if you did let me go,". "Don't worry, we'll make sure to let you go too..!" Brighteye said, trying to sound optimistic as she nervously glanced at Skysoarer. Skysoarer exhaled a sudden burst of flame that seemed to spiral towards the nightwing prisoner's left hind leg. 

        Suddenly, the chain that was wrapped around his ankle fell off, revealing dark blue scales that were rubbed raw. The prisoner smiled as Skysoarer exited the ominous cave. "The guard should wake up soon, so we should go," Brighteye sighed as the nightwing nodded and bolted out of the cave. "Come on, hurry! Hurry!" Darkfighter commanded, flapping her charcoal wings hastily in the air. Skysoarer shot into the sky, with the others close behind. 

             Brighteye glided through the trees, trying to stay in the shadows to not expose the others. Darkfighter scowled, looking behind her at the dark orange and brown rainwing guard wake up and look around. Brighteye sighed, accidentally letting out a plume of bright red flame that made Skysoarer scowl at her. "How long were you in that prison?" Brighteye asked, turning around to look at the nightwing who was barely dodging all the vines. "Uhm, about...."the nightwing paused, narrowing his eyes at a bright blue frog. 

      Brighteye turned around and sighed as he said, "maybe a year and a half..?". "Really? What type of food did they give you?!" Brighteye said, or maybe even yelled since she  could hear her voice echoing to the very bottom of the rainforest. "Shhhhhhhh..!" Darkfighter said, jerking her head around to look at Brighteye as Skysoarer rolled her eyes. 


              The group of nightwing landed in the shadow of a nearby house. "Wow, the rainiwngs really are questioning all the nightwings," Darkfighter said as her mouth dropped open. Then in the blink of an eye, Skysoarer grabbed a nearby raineing guard who had bloodshot eyes and greenish yellow scales with bright red spots. "What are you doing?!" Brighteye whispered, her eyes widening at the thought of rainwing venom. 

       Skysoarer had her talon wrapped around the struggling rainwings snout, but it was still scary. Darkfighter scowled, nervously glancing at the other nightwing. Skysoarer grabbed a bottle that held a single leaf in it and then closed her eyes. Brighteye glanced around nervously as the poor rainwing turned a depressing blue-grey with grey orange and purple wings. Skysoarer suddenly put the bottle into the rainwings talon. Brighteye gritted her teeth, glaring at Skysoarer.

            Th rainwings colors turned back to normal as his eyes narrowed and he stood up straight. Darkfighter stepped back, almost bumping into Brighteye. "Queen Glory's plan is to find the nightwings that are related to the plan to overthrow her and make a nightwing queen rule their tribe. She is searching every village and has found thirty suspicious nightwings, and has traced the plan back to about eleven individuals. She has just found out that two of her nightwing prisoners have escaped, and is currently panicking and reporting to the other Dragonets of Destiny for help." the rainwing said in a almost robotic and tired voice. Skysoarer looked at Darkfighter, Brighteye and the other nightwing who had pretty eyes a smug look. 

         "How do we stop that plan?!" Brighteye whispered, shoving the rainwing away from the group. "I don't want anything to do with this," Darkfighter said warily, stepping back again. "I don't think I'll be of any help, but if you need me, I'll be at the ruins of the volcano." the other nightwing said, flicking his tail around his talons. Skysoarer cursed under her breath, watching Darkfighter flee into the rainforest.

I typed this all on mobile and I have never been so annoyed by autocorrect in my life

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