Part 9

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  "Why were you so impatient to get away from Constellationshifter?" Brighteye coughed, getting a large whiff of the intoxicating air. A fowl expression swept onto Skysoarer's face as she whispered, "He is clearly lying. We shouldn't trust him.". Brighteye frowned as Skysoarer almost flew into the base of the volcano. Brighteye looked back at the blobby black shape of Constellationshifter and sighed. 

         Skysoarer and Brighteye flew in silence for a few minutes before they heard something. "What was that groaning sound?" Brighteye said as she followed Skysoarer into a crevice on the volcano, "It sounds like somebody's hurt!". Skysoarer growled and rolled her eyes, puffing out her chest. "Ughhhhh" Skysoarer growled, narrowing her eyes and slumping down "FINE, we can check out what's happening.". Brighteye awkwardly shot into the air and pointed to where the sad noise came from, "It came from ovewr there..!". Skysoarer hesitantly dove down to where Brighteye had pointed, which was a half-destroyed and had little nooks and crannys every here and there. The odd ruin laid around the base of the volcano. 

         Brighteye cautiously followed Skysoarer, almost tripping and falling into lava. Skysoarer peered into the lava in the center of the ruin, there was a destroyed screen-like thing on one of the walls of the room, this room must have been important enough for the old queen of the nightwings to keep an eye on. Skysoarer looked around, pushing over rocks and other things. "Argh, I give up!" Brighteye cried, covering her eyes and covering her head with her wings. 

      Then, the weird crying-groaning-mourning sound came again from exactly where Brighteye and Skysoarer were. Brighteye jumped up, looking around, "Where are you! Are you hurt?". Skysoarer rolled her eyes and sat down on a ledge that overlooked the weird place. Then, an ashy grey with a very small aquamarine tinted head emerged from the lava. "Huh?" Brighteye muttered, leaning towards the mysterious dragon. They had curvy horns, like a rainwings', but they didn't have ruff. They had webbing that went from the top of their head that lead all the way down their neck, and possibly to the tip of their tail. They had dark blue eyes and a brow wrinkled with worry. The webbing they had was flopped helplessly to one side of their head and was covered in ash.

          The mysterious dragon struggled to get out of the lava. They were large and so skinny it looked like they were just scales and bone. The gills on their neck were more like fleshy openings. they were smothered in ash and lava was stuck in them. Brighteye stepped back, nervously glancing at Skysoarer. Skysoarer had her eyes open wide with worry, and had her wings in a position where she was about to fly away. The scary seawing stepped forward, flicking their tail and opening their mouth, revealing two rows of sharp teeth. 

            Brighteye turned away to run and hide, shooting to the sky with Skysoarer shortly behind. Skysoarer grabbed Brighteye's tail and bam, they were now where they left Constellationshifter. Constellationshifter was sitting in the shade and coughing, looking at them and frowning. Skysoarer and Brighteye ran into a little tunnel, with Skysoarer in front. The tunnel led to a rather big cave with a little stream of lava. Brighteye sat down and sighed, looking at Skysoarer who was breathing heavily as if she had just seen her friend get eaten.  Brighteye turned around to see what she was looking at, and the monstrous seawing was standing right behind her.


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