Part 8

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                     The other nightwing stood up, shaking a bit of moss off his hind leg. Brighteye frowned, glancing at the rainwings as they interrogated the innocent, (at least Brighteye thought that they were innocent), nightwings. "I guess i'll head out now," the nightwing whispered as they ducked their head and shot into the shadow of a tree. Skysoarer clenched her talons as Brighteye watched the other nightwing chase after Darkfighter to try and find the path to the old nightwing island. 

                                    "Maybe we should grab some fruit and pretend we had just gone fruit picking?" Brighteye whispered, looking at a nearby pink and blue butterfly almost run into a half camouflaged rainwing "Like... As an excuse to show up late...?". "I guess that would work." Skysoarer scowled, saying the word 'guess' as if she had been stabbed by a tranquilization dart. Skysoarer suddenly leaned forward, her eyes closing.

          At least Brighteye knew that she had been stabbed by a dart. Skysoarer was now laying on the floor with her wings half spread and a light brown and sky blue dart was stuck in her back. Brighteye's jaw dropped open slightly because the unmistakable shape of Amazon was right behind Skysoarer. "Brighteye?" Amazon gasped, his head turning a blinding white with pale purple and plum stripes "Amazon?" Brighteye echoed, her eyes widening, "I didnt know you worked for Queen Glory-". 

                        "Shut it." Amazon growled, stepping over Skysoarer, "I didnt know you were so cowardly to hide from rainwings asking questions.". "I didnt know that your tribe was so cocky that they started to interrogate the better tribe for trying to take what should be theirs." said a voice from behind Brighteye. Brighteye whirled around to see the nightwing that had thrown the dark blue nightwing into a building and caused it to collapse. Amazon gritted his teeth, growling, as he took a fighting stance even though he didnt stand a chance against that nightwing.

                              Amazon's hind legs were shaking with fear as the tall nightwing narrowed his eyes. Brighteye jumped up from where she was sitting as Skysoarer sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes. Amazon immediately turned around and ran away, probably to another rainwing or maybe Deathbringer, maybe Glory. "That weak rainwing is probably snitching like the rat he is." The muscular nightwing behind Brighteye growled, "The safest place to be is definitely the nightwing volcano. We shouldn't go to any other kingdoms since Glory will get the message about this and will most likely tell some other queens.". 

           "Sure, let's go." Skysoarer yawned, flicking her tail back and forth. "It would be best for you to teleport us to the volcano.". "But if you use your magic too much you might-"

               Brighteye was now sitting right next to a flowing stream of lava. Brighteye jumped up as Skysoarer teetered over the edge of volcanic rock that was covered in ash.  Brighteye turned around to see that the big and muscular nightwing was right behind her. she let out a yelp of surprise and jumped backwards, almost falling into lava. "What should we call you? We dont even know eachother know, so dont think we are friends." Skysoarer growled, climbing to a higher ledge that wasn't drowning in dust and ashes. 

             "What made you think we are friends? I was just helping out you weaklings." He growled, narrowing his eyes, "Buuut, I guess you can call me Constellationshifter.". Brighteye almost laughed, but he had such a serious face and Brighteye didnt feel like dying. "Well, uhm, Brighteye and I might as well find another nightwing that came here." Skysoarer grumbled.

             "Oh, uhm," Brighteye stammered as Skysoarer hovered behind her with an annoyed expression, "Y-yeah, that's totally what we were planning to do all a-along.". Brighteye spread her wings awkwardly and shot a into the grey and miserable sky with Skysoarer right behind her.


finally got this part done

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