Part 6

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         Brighteye had tried to put all the keys in the keyhole, none of them worked. Skysoarer sighed, cursing under her breath as she grabbed the lock and tried to unlock it with her claw. Darkfighter looked down, her purple eyes catching the light  and making the prison looks even scarier. Suddenly, the lock fell to the ground at Skysoarer's feet. 

         Darkfighter leapt out of the prison, their pitch black scales standing out among the bright flowers and greenery. "Let me out too..!" Another nightwing growled, they werent visible since they were shrouded in the lilac colored fog. Brighteye stepped inside the cave, "Well, where are you?". Skysoarer gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes as she walked into the cave after Brighteye "Stay here." she demanded. Darkfighter scowled, nodding their head and walking into the shadow Brighteye was in before.

             Brighteye squinted, there was a dark blurry shape in the back of the cave that was definitely the voice she heard. "Im right here," The other prisoner said, moving ever so slightly closer to Brighteye and Skysoarer. Skysoarer stepped in front of Brighteye as she growled, "Come closer so we can actually see you."

"I cant,"

"what do you mean?"

"Well, uhm-"

The fog was going out of the iron door so they could all see the other prisoner better. They had a long aristocratic snout with large wings and large, strong talons that were all burnt and scarred. The nightwing had a chain that was clamped to their ankle that led to the back wall. "So what did you do that was so bad this happened?" Skysoarer said, trying to keep a straight face. "I used to be part of the council on the nightwing island, I guess Glory doesnt like that nightwings are better than rainwings..!" The prisoner barked a laugh, narrowing their turquoise eyes.


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