Part 4

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   Brighteye peeked out the door, "Has anyone seen her today?". Bright's classmates shook their heads, looking down at their talons. "Wait!" A very skinny and small dragonet excaimed, jerking their head up towards Brighteye "I saw her with some tough looking rainwings with her talons tied up! And that pouch she usually carried was being by that Deathbringer guy! Wait-". Brighteye's bright blue eyes widened, "I'll be right back,". "I'll come with you," Skysoarer said, merging out of the corner of the school that was drowning in shadows. Brighteye nodded, flashed a smile to her class, and flew out of her village with Skysoarer close behind. "Do you know where Glory's dungeon is? Does she even have a dungeon?" Brighteye stammered, dogding the millions of thick vines. Skysoarer glided right by, dodging the vines with little effort, "She doesn't use a dungeon. Did you see what happened to Mastermind? She tortures her enemies," She growled, small plumes of smoke coming out of her flared nostrils. 

      Brighteye shuddered at the thought of Mastermind, he had experimented on rainwings for science. "But how will we find Darkfighter? If her punishment is anything like Mastermind's then she could be anywhere!" Brighteye said, watching Skysoarer glide around the vines. "Come on, we need a private place to discuss where she might be," Skysoarer said, flying towards the cloudy sky. Brighteye followed, her wingtips brushing the edges of the thick vines.

   Skysoarer dove into the smallest clearing in the rainforest Brighteye had ever seen. There was a large tree the Skysoarer landed next to and was leaning on. Brighteye landed on the moist grass, looking around. There were no nightwing villages nearby, the trees weren't very close together, but the trees were very large and tall. Skysoarer Grabbed Brighteye's wrist, bringing her into the tree.

   There was a long, long, long hallway that the tree led to some sort of lair. "What is this place exactly?" Brighteye said, running after Skysoarer who was ahead of her. Skysoarer paused turning around to reveal a small village. The houses were stronger, the village had few dragons, yet it radiated power and wealth. Brighteye looked down at the wooden ground, following Skysoarer to a large marble palace-like house. 

    "What is this place?" Brighteye said, looking at the marble columns and silky red carpets. Skysoarer paused in front of a door labeled, "Private Animus Practice" in large fancy letters. Brighteye's jaw dropped open as Skysoarer knocked on the marble door that had diamonds embedded onto it. A charcoal nightwing opened the door, smiling as he saw Skysoarer. "Who's that...?" The nightwing said, narrowing his icy blue eyes at Brighteye. "Oh, Brighteye is just a friend." Skysoarer said, yawning. The nightwing opened the door more, revealing a clean room full of different objects. 

    The nightwing had long, sharp black spikes like an icewing's just a different color. Maybe their a hybrid? Skysoarer grabbed Brighteye's wrist again, pulling her into the room as the cool hybrid closed the door and locked it. A large and old piece of scroll flew towards Skysoarer, pausing and fluttering around in the air as she paused at a desk. "Weren't we going to look for Darkfighter..?" Brighteye murmured, watching as Skysoarer grabbed the small piece of scroll out of the air. "Oh, you'll find out how this will help." Skysoarer said smirking. "Wait, who are you looking for?" The hybrid said, sitting down on the opposite side of the desk. 

     "Blacksnow, we are looking for a friend of ours, Darkfighter." Skysoarer sighed as she held the torn piece of scroll in her hand. Brighteye looked down at what Skysoarer was doing. How would sitting at a desk help them find Darkfighter? Skysoarer opened her talon to reveal a large and new scroll. "Wait what?!" Brighteye exclaimed as Skysoarer wrote down something on the scroll. "Alright, no questions." Skysoarer said in an aggrivated tone, "Come with me, Brighteye. I've found Darkfighter."


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