Chapter Three - Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Edwin's mouth fell open, the number of magical items in the flat was nothing compared to the joke shop, it was full of colourful displays, some even had the twins' face on, original creations he assumed. The twins explained that he would have to see it during the day time to get the full experience of the shop. Apparently, the shop was usually crowded and had magical objects flying all around the place. They told him that the shop had only been open for a month but business was booming. "It's so... Wonderful!" he gasped.

"Thought you'd like it!" yelled Fred as he ran down to a row of small enclosures. He scooped out a tiny creature that was living inside and held it in one hand while the other was over the top. He stood in front of Edwin and slowly lifted his top hand, "This is a Pygmy Puff!"

"He's bloody obsessed with them!" joked George.

"But they're so cool!" Fred said as he gave the pygmy puff a pet and carefully placed it back in its enclosure.

"You have your own creatures too?" Edwin said in disbelief.

The twins chuckled at Edwin's reaction, "Of course we do! You didn't think that we're the only magical beings, did you?" teased George.

"It's just- it's just how come I've never seen these pink puffs before?"

"We have had plenty of enchantments put on these creatures over the years to hide them from the Muggle world!" Edwin still didn't know what exactly the Muggle world was but assumed he was part of it. "Look, I have plenty of old textbooks up in the flat, if you would like to have a look later?" George asked the boy, who was still in awe at the shop and the pygmy puffs.

"I really would love that!" said Edwin as he looked back up at the twin who had a wide smile on his face.

After approximately an hour of showing off products and causing mayhem, the three boys decided to go back up to the flat above. Edwin couldn't bear the thought of going back to his boring Muggle world but knew he had to sooner or later.

Edwin let out a mighty yawn as they entered the living room. "Jeez mate, did you want to stay here the night?" asked Fred. "You can take George's room and he'll take the sofa."

"I'm on the sofa? Why am I on the sofa?" George whined.

"C'mon Georgie, you know how messy my room-"

George cut him off by tutting at his brother, "that's very true, you need to sort it out! You would think that someone let a troll loose in there!" Fred just laughed in response.

Edwin also laughed a little at this comment even though he was not fully familiar with trolls. "I would love to stay tonight, and I really don't mind taking the sofa."

"Don't be ridiculous Edwin! You're our guest! Now, follow me." George instructed as he brushed past Edwin and led the way through the hall, to a cosy-looking, decent sized room.

Edwin looked around the room, the walls were supporting posters and pennants for a "Gryffindor" team, he wasn't sure if he had ever heard of such a place but saying that, he wasn't a very sporty person. There were tiny fairy lights all around the place and really gave the room its cosy feeling. There were shelves full of books he had never heard of on bizarre topics such as, 'A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration', 'Wanderings with Werewolves' and 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them'.

George could see Edwin looking at the books, "Oh, that's the book I was gonna give you." He said as he effortlessly reached to the top shelf and pulled down the slightly worn down book. "You'll find some real beauties in here!" He smiled as he flicked through the pages.

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