Chapter Five - Sleeping Arrangements

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The sensation Edwin had just experienced was not something he wanted to go through ever again. He felt as if his whole body had been squeezed through the thinnest tube ever while also twisting and turning, he had lost all sense of direction and would have fallen to his knees once he reached the twins flat if it weren't for them both gripping so tightly on to his arms. His stomach felt like it was still in another dimension, he felt very queasy but it wasn't enough to make him throw up, he didn't want to feel the same embarrassment he did when he first arrived through the Floo network. He shuddered at the thought and Fred patted him on the shoulder.

"Well done mate! You handled that really well!" Edwin gave Fred a smile. Fred's eyes widened as he saw how pale Edwin had become. "Better get you off to bed mate" he smiled back down at Edwin.

"So... Sleeping arrangements... Well, I'm in my bed! You decide the rest! Night boys!" and with that, Fred dashed to his room, laughing all the way.

"Prick" George laughed. "Do you fancy anything to drink? It is your birthday after all, and some sugar might be good for you."

"That would be lovely," Edwin replied he was still shaking his head at Fred's sudden departure.

George returned from the kitchen rather promptly with two bottles of butterbeer and handed one to Edwin who was now slumped onto their sofa.

George didn't sit down just yet, he was standing over next to his massive collection of muggle records, flicking through them until he found the perfect one. He finally pulled out Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and carefully placed it onto the turntable, he put the volume low enough so that they could talk without it being too distracting but loud enough that they could enjoy it during pauses in the conversation.

They spent an hour or so talking about the differences between growing up as a Muggle and growing up in a Wizarding family. Both boys were intrigued by each other's life story. But Edwin thought that George's was a lot cooler, he grew up casting spells, flying brooms and playing magical pranks on fellow students and even professors by the sound of it. Edwin had grown up alone, he made his drawings and had additional lessons from his parents on how to act like a true gentleman. He never took interest in these 'life lessons'. Not one bit. But Edwin carried on talking about his dull life as George sat on the same sofa but on the opposite side to Edwin and gazed at him as if he were daydreaming but Edwin could tell that he was listening through the never-ending questions he had about Muggle life.

Edwin had now finished his second bottle of butterbeer and he started to feel a little hazy. He was unsure as to whether butterbeer had any actual alcohol content as if it did, the sweetness of the liquid definitely overpowered the taste of everything else. Anything George was saying had now become a slur of nonsensical words, he could feel his eyes becoming heavy and drifted off to sleep.

Edwin had later awoken to the shutting of the bathroom door from across the flat. He opened his eyes and a stream of sunlight hit his eyes causing him to squint and move around on the sofa to avoid the harsh light. He felt stiff, most likely from the awkward sleeping position he had been in all night. He was now curled up in the corner of the sofa, he sleepily rubbed his eyes and realised that George had also fallen asleep there. He looked like he was sleeping in a lot more comfortable position than Edwin had and he was slightly jealous.

He stood up to relieve the tension in his back and neck. As he stretched and twisted, he found a blanket which he had apparently been sat on all night. He threw it over the sleeping boy and shuffled through to the kitchen.

He yawned as he searched for a mug in the small kitchen, he was desperate for a coffee. He opened and closed each cupboard door until a voice behind him said,

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