Chapter Fifteen - Dumbledore's Wrongdoing

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The boys were woken up by a faint knocking on the bedroom door, George opened the door ever so slightly as he was in just his underwear. It was Remus, of course.

"Merlin," George sighed as he rubbed his eyes, "what time is it?"

"5 am, It is a weekday and he has his headmaster duties so we had better get going!"

"Jeez... alright, we won't be long,"

George closed the door and walked over to Edwin's side of the bed and planted kisses on his forehead, "Come on, it's time to get up!" He felt bad as he knew that Edwin had barely slept that night but it was an important day and he knew his boyfriend well enough to know that he never slept well the night before a big event, so he was extra considerate on the mornings after.

Edwin tumbled out of bed and attempted to find some clothes, he had brought none of his own so George's wardrobe was his next stop. He found some baggy light blue jeans which he needed to roll up accompanied with a belt, of course, a plain white t-shirt and a red plaid shirt to throw over the top. He was even so cheeky to find some of George's accessories such as a magical creature's tooth on a chain, he would have to ask George what it belonged to later and a couple of rings from his dresser. He had his own white -slightly muddy- converse to pair with his outfit so there was no need to look through George's shoes, not only that but George was about 3 sizes bigger than he was.

He plodded down the creaky stairs, attempting to be as quiet as possible as it was still very early. He was met with Remus, George and Arthur at the dinner table. "Morning!" He greeted them all.

"Good morning!" Arthur said before crunching into a slice of toast with a thick layer of strawberry jam.

"Don't worry, dad won't be coming with us, he just enjoys getting up at an ungodly hour for work... he doesn't even start for a few hours!"

Edwin laughed in response but Arthur just shook his head.

"I need to make sure I have time to read the Daily Prophet and have my breakfast and-"

"Yeah, yeah, alright dad! I did live here for eighteen years, you know!" George stopped him before he got into his whole morning routine.

"You boys have a good day and good luck!" Arthur said before Remus, George and Edwin apparated to Hogsmeade.

"At least give me some time to say 'thank you'," Edwin teases as he chomped into a slice of toast he clung on to.

They appeared just outside of The Three Broomsticks, "I have asked Hagrid to meet us here as he will be able to take us into Hogwarts."

As if on cue, a massive eight-foot and a half man barged his way out of the pub and greeted Remus with a massive hug.

"Lupin! 'ow 'ave ya been, professor?"

"Not too bad, and yourself, Rubeus?"

"Oh aye, bin keeping' myself busy with the forbidden forest, o' course!" He said with a humongous grin and belly laugh. Hagrid really was a real-life jolly giant. "Let's get goin' then!"

The half-giant plodded his way over to a carriage, George told Edwin how they were pulled by thestrals. Of course, Edwin had read all about them... if only he could see the marvellous creature which was apparently standing right in front of him.

On the ride there Edwin had plenty of questions for Hagrid, it was a good thing that Hagrid enjoyed talking as the pair went on non-stop all the way to the castle.

As they were approaching Hogwarts grounds, Edwin became less interested in the conversation although Hagrid continued talking about 'the properties and uses of unicorn blood'. Edwin looked up at the massive castle up on the rocks, surrounded by green fields, a black lake and a forest that looked as if it went on forever. Edwin had heard all sorts of stories about Hogwarts from the twins but it looked so much more wonderful than he ever could have imagined.

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