Chapter Eight - The Trip

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The night before their week off had arrived, both Edwin and George had finished their last shift in the joke shop. They battled to be the first to use the shower, of course, George won. His height was a massive advantage over Edwin, as well as years of training as a Beater. When the shower was finally free again for Edwin to use, he made the most of the ice-cold water on this sweltering day. He was probably in there for 30 minutes before he heard chattering from the living room. He shut the water off, dried himself off and got changed into a comfortable pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As he entered the living room to investigate the noise, he was greeted by two familiar faces, Fred and Lee.

Fred was slightly tanned which was unusual considering it was very rare that someone would come back from Wales with a tan. They excitedly rummaged through their bags, attempting to find gifts that they had bought for the other two boys on their week off. Fred found a magnet that apparently had the longest place name in the world written on it.

"It's just a marketing scheme!" claimed Lee.

"It's bloody brilliant, is what it is!" replied Fred.

"Anyway..." Lee swiftly moved on the conversation as he obviously wasn't as impressed as Fred was with the magnets, "As we were in Anglesey, we just had to visit the hometown of the Holyhead Harpies! We didn't quite get a signed photo from Gwenog Jones, but we did get you these t-shirts!" Lee and Fred held up a t-shirt each to give to the other pair of boys. The t-shirts were both bright green and featured the claw of a Harpie as well as a broom.

"I really love these! Thank you, guys," Edwin said, reaching out to hug them both.

"We will be expecting presents from wherever you two go!" chuckled Fred.

"Of course we'll get you something" replied George, "and on that note, we really should be getting to bed. We're wanting to set off early tomorrow!"

"Are we?!" groaned Edwin.

"Yes, now come on!" George laughed and tugged Edwin in the direction of his bedroom.

"Night guys!" Edwin shouted to the other two as he plodded along through the hall. He heard them wish him goodnight in return as well as a few chuckles.

  - - - 

The morning soon came and the curtains, which were charmed to open when sunlight hit them, slid open and the sun rays flooded the room. Edwin buried his head into his pillow to block the light but George was now wide awake and playfully bouncing on the bed to encourage Edwin to get up.

"Wake up, lazybones!"

A muffled groan came from Edwin.

"We've got so much to do and I'm sure you'll love it!"

"Okay, okay, just let me shower first," Edwin said as he finally lifted up his head. He was squinting his eyes and his curly hair was all over the place.

George laughed at the younger boy and said that he would get started on the packing.

Once he had freshened up, he joined George in the kitchen for breakfast, "You look lovely today" George told him as he planted a kiss on Edwin's forehead and slid a plate of pancakes in front of him.

"These look lovely too!" laughed Edwin as he took a massive mouthful of pancake.

"Hey!" George fake pouted at Edwin.

"Yeah, yeah, you look lovely too, I guess." Edwin poked his tongue out at the older boy.

George wrapped his arms around Edwin from behind and placed his head on his shoulder, "We have 45 minutes before the train arrives, so you better hurry!"

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