Chapter One - The Strange Boy

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Mr and Mrs Scally live a rather luxurious lifestyle, one which many crave. There is not much mystery to how they earned their fortune as they were quite the talk of the city. Mr Scally started off through psychiatry but later left his job as a well-known therapist to invest his earnings into stocks. Mr Barnaby Scally was a tall, lean, intimidating male who had what was once dark brown but now greying, slicked-back hair. While Mrs Ophelia Scally, a short, plump woman, runs a law firm, 'best in the country', she liked to remind her friends over a glass of the finest red wine at the fanciest restaurant. The only thing mysterious and unusual about their lives was their son, Edwin Scally.

Edwin often felt like an outsider in his own home. His slightly curly, light ash brown hair always sat on his head in a way that annoyed his parents, but he liked his style. His glasses sat slightly askew due to one arm of the thin-framed spectacles being broken and taped back together. Every day he would wear clothes, which his parents would describe as 'scruffy' but this did not bother him as one of his biggest wishes was to be nothing like his parents. Edwin had a deep appreciation for the simpler things in life such as plants, animals and the feeling of warmth and comfort by being with the people he loved. Of course, he did not get this feeling when around his parents, he knew that he would have to seek elsewhere for the feeling of contentment.

Edwin wished to lead a more adventurous lifestyle, he wanted to live life carefree and not have to worry about stocks and taxes and whatever else adults worry about. He wished to live in a small cottage in the countryside, as far away from the busy streets of London as possible. He daydreamed of this so often it sometimes felt real.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts of planning his very own vegetable patch, "Master Edwin, dinner will be served in 10 minutes, your parents would like you to be at the table ready".

"Thanks, Antoinette" Edwin sighed as he ruffled his hair before making his way down to an enormous dinner table. Barnaby and Ophelia were already seated at one end of the table while Edwin took a seat at the other end.

"Your mother and I have been thinking" spoke Barnaby whose voice lacked emotion. Although they were sitting quite far apart from each other, the echo in the magnificent dining hall carried his fathers low, stern voice. "We believe that it would be in your best interest to enrol in a Summer School, starting this June."

Edwin stared at his father who did not look up once while saying this but instead continued to cut the tiniest piece from his steak and examined it before delicately placing the piece in his mouth. "I don't understand? My grades were fine last year?" Edwin spluttered.

His father finally looked up at the boy and raised his eyebrow before saying, "'Fine' will not get you anywhere in life, boy"

Edwin didn't speak another word throughout dinner, in fact, he made sure to eat so fast and so messily that it would annoy his parents. He left the table as soon as his plate was empty and he locked himself in his room for the rest of the evening.

Edwin spent his night listening to his Queen vinyl and drawing, he was quite the artist but he never showed his work to anybody as he knew his parents would disapprove. He was working on a marvellous landscape drawing of rolling hills and a large forest in the distance. The drawing featured a tiny cottage in the foreground, surrounded with all sorts of wildflowers. It was the cottage from his daydreams, that he wanted so badly.

As Edwin was only 17, it would not have been the most sensible idea to move away from his family's mansion just yet. He was hoping to move out the day he hit 18 but had no idea where he would get the funds from as he knew that his parents would not be fond of his idea and would rather he followed in his mother's footsteps and work in Law.

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