Chapter Eighteen - Lessons with Remus Lupin

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Edwin awoke from the cruel night in agony. He was once again lying on the cold stone floor of an old shed at The Burrow. He had visited The Burrow every full moon as the Weasley family agreed that he would be safe there, especially with Arthur Weasley keeping watch throughout the night to ensure that Edwin did not escape during the night. The harsh breeze from underneath the crooked door prickled his skin and he suddenly sat up. Bad idea. Pain shot through his ribcage and he fell back to the floor.

"Take it easy," said a familiar voice from across the room. He also sounded as if he were in pain from his sharp gasps. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, bit cold though," Edwin replied. The pair laughed. Edwin reached out for his clothes which were folded and placed carefully in a corner of the room, hissing in pain as he did so.

"They'll come soon, we'll be okay." Remus reassured.

It wasn't long until Edwin found himself wrapped up in blankets on a sofa in front of a roaring fireplace, he doesn't exactly remember how he ended up there, but he was glad he did. His body still ached as he attempted to roll over into a move comfortable position, the pain in his ribs was unbearable and it almost brought him to tears.

"Don't worry Edwin, the winter months are always the worst. Not too bad during the night where we have furry to keep us warm and what seems like everlasting stamina to keep running, but, the cold mornings are painful," he said from the sofa perpendicular to Edwin, he couldn't turn his head to face Remus as his neck ached but he was glad to know that he there.

Remus' mumbles could be heard from the kitchen as Molly Weasley walked into the living room, two bottles of potion and a hot drink each. "Come on boys, drink these quickly, dears". She said with a sympathetic smile towards the pair.

It must have been a pain relief potion as Edwin's body started to feel slightly numb which instantly relaxed him and he knew Remus felt the same. As twisted and cruel as their circumstance may be, he felt at ease knowing that he wasn't completely alone. 


It was 5:30 pm, Edwin's class started at 7 pm but was instructed to arrive at Hogwarts by 6 pm so he could join all the other students for their evening dinner. He had been sent a black robe and tie via Owl Post.

"These usually change colour after you've been sorted to represent your house," George said, tightening Edwin's tie.

"I hope I'm allowed to get sorted," Edwin replied while viewing his outfit in the full body mirror.

"Of course you'll be allowed!" George replied, standing back and admiring his boyfriend. He felt so proud of Edwin and how far he had come. He then walked around to the back of Edwin and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I reckon he'll be a Slytherin!" Fred laughed as he stopped just outside of George's bedroom door.

"Don't be stupid, he has to be a Gryffindor, he's been around us lot long enough."

"Does it really matter that much?" Edwin whispered.

"We'll kick you out of the flat if you're a Slytherin!" Fred chuckled before making his way to the living room.

"Don't listen to him, he's been a right dickhead since Belle moved in," George said in a hushed voice. "I can guarantee you that you will not be getting kicked out of this flat because of the house you've been sorted into... unless you're a Slytherin, of course," George joked, burrowing his face into Edwin's neck. And swayed their bodies side to side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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