Chapter Seven - Heatwave

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A couple of weeks had passed since the two boys admitted their feelings for each other. It was now late June and the weather became a lot warmer, there was a heatwave predicted to hit London at any moment and it was supposedly going to last for a fortnight.

"Why don't I take this week off, and you and Edwin take the week after that off so we can all enjoy the sunshine and keep the shop running!"

"Fred... You're so smart!" George said as he high fived his twin.

Edwin was sitting at the breakfast table and interrupted their cheering, "Do you really think Ron is going to be happy working through the heatwave, surely he'd want to have time to enjoy himself too?"

The cheering stopped.


"Good point..."

"How about... Edwin, you can work in the shop rather than just hiding in the storeroom? You are finally promoted from the stockroom!" He patted Edwin on the back, causing him to choke on his morning coffee a little.

Edwin smiled at Fred's enthusiasm and the twins returned to celebrating the opportunity of getting some time off work. Although Edwin wasn't too sure that he was keen on the idea of being in the storefront with George. He would sometimes watch him while he worked and it seems like a lot of magic is involved, obviously, Edwin wouldn't be as good as the twins were. But, if it meant that they all got some time to relax then it would all be worth it.


Edwin was in for a shock on the morning of his first day of working at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes when he entered the kitchen to find a man he had never met before helping himself to the contents of the fridge.

"...Hello?" Edwin bravely said.

"Mm-hi!" the man replied, mouth full of food. After swallowing whatever he was eating he smiled at Edwin and put out his hand to greet him, "Lee Jordan, a good friend of Fred and George!"

He took his hand and shook it over the breakfast table, "Edwin Sca-"

"AHA! Say no more, kid. Fred has been telling me all about you!"

"He has?" Edwin said with a clearly puzzled expression.

"Of course! You're the guy who met them after they crashed their car into your garden, and they kept finding ways to surprise you and then it was your birthday and they brought you back here to the Wizarding World because our Georgie had a little crush on you..." he had a massive grin on his face as he said this in what seemed like one breath. He took another mouthful of the food he had taken from the fridge.

Edwin felt his cheeks rise in temperature which is one of the last things he needed with the heatwave now completely taking over London.

"Ah, you've met Lee, then?" Fred said as he too entered the room, smothering suncream on his face. He had a rucksack on his back, and he was dressed as though he was about to go on holiday.

"Yeah, we were just talking about you," Edwin smiled. "Where are you off to, anyway? Spain by the looks of it."

Fred chuckled, "We're going camping for the week, apparently some really nice coastal campsites in Wales!"

"COME ON EDWIN, TIME TO OPEN!" George shouted from the other side of the flat.

He finished off his cup of coffee and dashed out of the flat after saying goodbye to the two boys.

"Are you sure that you want me to work up here?" Edwin asked as he and George opened up the doors, letting in the stream of customers.

"Of course I do! You'll be brilliant, I promise." George reassuringly shook Edwin by the shoulder gently.

As soon as Edwin moved into Diagon Alley, he took his spare time learning all about the twins' products. Although he wasn't entirely sure how exactly they worked, he did his best to ensure that he could recommend the best product to each customer. Edwin thought it would be safer to stay behind the till, their complex money system was as confusing as ever but he was slowly getting used to it after spending a month in the Wizarding World. Every so often he would creep from behind the register to display the latest Weasley products, he was a fan of the Skiving Snackbox although he wasn't entirely sure why someone would purposefully make themselves sick, he found it rather amusing just how many they sold.

As it approached midday, with a wave of his wand, George flipped over the sign in the door to tell the customers that they were on a lunch break. The boys finally had a moment to breathe and rest their feet. George summoned premade sandwiches from the flat to the shop's office, they both wolfed these down in a matter of seconds.

"God, I needed that" Edwin laughed, he was slumped onto a sofa they had in the office, probably for work breaks like these, Edwin thought.

George sat beside him, placed his arm around Edwin and tilted his head onto Edwin's shoulder. "You're doing really well so far, the customers love you!" he said, gripping tighter to Edwin's side.

"I wish we could just stay here"

"I mean... we could" George raised an eyebrow at him.

Edwin lifted up George's head from his shoulder and kissed him, George kissed him back. Edwin lifted his leg over George's lap to straddle him and George glided his hand through Edwin's hair to the back of his head to pull him in deeper. Edwin had one hand cupping George's face and one was slowly making its way down to the collar of his shirt. He began to unbutton it, George pulled his lips away from Edwin's and gasped, "I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

"I do, this is just a bit of fun." Edwin smiled. He playfully pinched one of George's cheeks and he pouted in return. His lips a couple of shades pinker than usual.

"We should really open the shop back up again" Edwin suggested.

"Fred will never find out if we just take the rest of the day off" George replied, he smirked.

"Stop messing around! Come on!" Edwin gave a final kiss and stood up, he made sure that he looked presentable in a nearby mirror.

"Uh- y-you go open up, I'll be just a moment, promise!" George said, not showing any attempt of getting up to go back to work.

"Bloody men" Edwin winked at the boy as he left to open the shop back up. He wasn't that innocent, he knew exactly why George needed a moment alone. But wished he didn't have to be the only worker on the shop floor.

It didn't take long for passersby to notice that the shop had reopened. Edwin greeted them all with a smile and directed them to their pranking needs. It wasn't too long after that George had reappeared and took over from Edwin on the presenting of the products and Edwin returned to behind the register, where he felt a lot more comfortable.

The hustle and bustle of the busy magical street died down as the clock approached six o'clock and the shop was once again closed. George performed a few spells to ensure everything was locked, put in their rightful position and cleaned.

Edwin headed straight for the shower once they had returned to the flat, he was relieved to get out of the tight suit and into a loose pair of shorts and t-shirt. He joined George on the sofa and watched the TV. He had no interest in what was on TV and almost fell asleep.

"What are we having for dinner?"

"Dunno? Something easy, probably. I'm bloody exhausted!"

"You're exhausted? I do that every day!" George lightly nudged him in the side, "Also, we still have six days of that until we get a week off."

"Ugh, don't remind me!" Edwin chuckled, he waved his hand at George dismissively.

The following week was the same every day, the same flow of customers, same sandwiches for lunch, same closing time, same routine. Edwin had thoroughly enjoyed himself working alongside George, but he could not wait for a well-deserved break.

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