Chapter Fourteen - Hugo

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Remus reached into the pocket of his old, tattered trousers and pulled out a piece of paper, he gently unfolded the paper to reveal a moving photograph. He passed the photo to Edwin, he looked just like him, only Hugo had darker features and of course, looked older. He had fresh scars across his face in this photo, undoubtedly from a fight with some sort of beast. Hugo had an eyebrow piercing and a full beard which gave him more of a rugged look. The portrait of Hugo turned in Edwin's direction and gave a fierce snarl before walking out of the frame and grabbing his wand out of his pocket as if he were about to duel.

"This- this is my brother?" Edwin asked. He didn't know why he asked, of course Hugo was his brother, Remus wouldn't lie to him like that. Perhaps he was just in disbelief. How could his parents have kept this a secret?

Remus just nodded slowly in response.

Edwin felt rage like he never felt rage before. But he couldn't show it, he couldn't lash out, it was nobody here's fault and that would not be fair. At that moment he decided that it was time to return to his parent's house.

- - -

Edwin, George and Remus stood in the familiar garden. Edwin was livid, he finally broke and decided that his parents were fully to blame. He began to storm up to the mansion he once knew as home. George desperately tried to stop Edwin from barging into the house and releasing hell upon his parents. Remus also attempted to calm Edwin down but it was no use, Edwin had a mission and no one was going to stop him. He continued to hurriedly march his way across his father's beloved lawn, bushes on either side of Edwin curled away as if they had been pushed by an invisible force, but he did not notice.

Grey clouds came rolling in overhead and a heavy downpour happened almost instantly. Remus shot George a worried look, as these were timed almost too perfect to be a coincidence. As the three men finally reached the door, Edwin rapped on the solid oak door before slamming his side into it three times before Antoinette opened, "Oh, M-master Edwin, how lovely to see yo-"

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Edwin shouted as he paced around the house, looking into each room on the lower level of the house. George was right behind Edwin, making sure that he didn't do anything that he would regret during this fit of anger. While Remus stayed back and briefly explained the situation to Antoinette.

"They're in the lounge on the second floor," Antoinette informed Edwin. He immediately gripped onto the railings and ran upstairs, the lights were flickering uncontrollably throughout the house.

He finally reached the lounge which he knew his parents were sitting in. He could smell them, and the wine they carelessly drank. Edwin flung open the door and saw both of their heads turn towards him, they were obviously unbothered by all of the commotion which had just happened a couple of floors below.

"Edwin," Barnaby spoke before taking another sip of his red. "Can we help you?" Not even acknowledging George stood behind Edwin.

Edwin was now standing in front of the two people who raised him. Two people who had lied to him for his whole life. He was dripping wet from the sudden storm, his curls were sticking to his face as he panted, his cheeks were tinted red, either from rage or from the blistering wind.

The cream carpet was covered in mud from Edwin's converse but they didn't dare tell him to leave. "CAN YOU HELP ME?" He shouted, shaking with rage.

"You don't even care that I'm here. You don't even care that I'm mad. What kind of fucking question is "can we help you?"" his voice was breaking throughout.

"If you have nothing to say, we ask you and your friend to leave us be'" Ophelia said sternly, unaware that there was another man downstairs.

George held on to Edwin's shoulders from behind, "come on, I think we should go," but Edwin shrugged him off. He was not leaving without an explanation.

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