Chapter Twelve - The Night After

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Edwin was awoken by a healer, gently tapping on the iron bars of his cell. His head was pounding, he had never experienced a headache like it. He lay on the icy stone slabs as the healers tried to ask him some questions about the night he had. He could not answer a single one and he did not care that he was naked on the floor of his cell for all to see, he just wanted to get out.

Another healer rolled a bed down to the cell to pick up the frail boy. They were quite sympathetic for first-timers. They used a spell to pick up Edwin to prevent further injury or discomfort to the boy. A blanket was placed over his shivering body and the bed levitated down the hallway of St Mungo's and into the recovery room that Edwin had already spent a month in. George lifted his head at the sound of the door opening, he knew that it wasn't a good sign that Edwin didn't walk in. The healer who originally spoke to Edwin in his cell that morning, took George by the shoulder to just outside of the room to explain the events which took place that night and the consequences.

Minutes later, when George was finally allowed to enter the room, Edwin looked a lot better. He had been given potions to ease all pain and was instructed to take another sip if he experienced any more discomfort.

"He will be able to return tonight, dear," a healer said to George in a calm tone, "but first we'll let him rest for a few hours." George smiled back at her to show his appreciation.

He was so excited for Edwin to finally return back to the flat. Although George had spent most of his time by Edwin's side in the hospital, whenever he did have to return to the flat, it always felt so empty. Like all life had been sucked out of it.

Edwin slept for hours while recovering from his rough night and although it dragged on for George, he did not once complain about the wait to Edwin once he woke up.

"Feeling any better?" George asked the sleepy boy while sweeping some of his slight curls to the side to reveal fresh scratches. George didn't react to these although he was sure that they would scar, he just proceeded to look at his boyfriend in awe.

"So much better" Edwin replied while reaching his hand out to hold George's.

"Let's get you home then," said George as he packed away all of Edwin's belongings from the last month. Clothes, get well soon cards, extra pain relief potions and some almost dead flowers, all packed into an enchanted bag.

They used the Floo Network to get back to the flat in Diagon Alley. It made Edwin feel slightly nauseous, he hadn't done that in a good while.

Fred greeted the two boys with hugs, "It's good to have you back, mate." he told Edwin as he pulled him into a tight embrace.

"And George, mum sent an owl saying that we need to visit home once Edwin is feeling well enough to travel," Fred told his brother as all three boys made themselves comfortable on the sofas.

"I'll be happy to go tomorrow!" replied Edwin. He hadn't really met the family yet, not in a normal circumstance anyway. And to be honest, Edwin could not wait to live a normal life again.

"Are you sure? You've only just come back home." George asked, looking worried for Edwin. He didn't want him rushing straight back into things. George knew from the many times he had injured himself during Quidditch, that the pain relief potions were strong, but he was still worried.

"He said that he's fine!" Fred responded while grabbing a drink each for the boys.

Fred returned to the living room and handed out the drinks, "And anyway, if he feels ill, he can always rest at The Burrow or we can come straight home!"

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